Fully automated aeroponic system for space exploration (University project)


Active Member
Hi guys, basically im in my final year of engineering at uni and my personal project is to develop a fully automated aeroponic system to support (and entertain) our beloved astronaughts on their missions. By fully automated i mean they could literally fall asleep for a month and wake up to healthy plants. Now i dont have a great deal of experience with aeroponics and theres not that much info on the web thats relevant to my work. I've done a couple of soil grows back in the day, with OK results, not great. So i know the general in's and out's of growing "tomatoes" (which is what my system will be growing). At the moment im trying to draw up my algorithms (mathematical equations) of how much water/light/nutrients the system will be delivering, but im completely clueless as to how much water/nutrients i should set the pumps to deliver, and at what intervals. If anyone out there can shed some light into this it would be greatly appreciated!! I may even send out a copy of the final project at the end of the year ;)
Thanks very much guys and ill try to keep updates coming on how its all going (if anyones actually interested).


Active Member
there are slight issues with a fully automated aero system... you best have one HELL of a reservoir tank.

you are also going to have major root issues if you just let them grow without watching.

use a timer to mist the plants every 2 minutes for 1 minute time, so say mist at 12:00 until 12:01. After that, let rest for 2-5 minutes, so then you mist again.

If you go find the shuttle grow by Earl, it is the closest to what you are wanting. Float valves in the reservoirs, timers, etc...


Active Member
Ah cool cheers dude. Well the thing is i wont have time to actually build the whole system and produce a successful grow by may, so the im mainly expected just to produce a hydro-controller that that gets all the ratios correct etc and a way for the lights to automatically raise themselves as needed (thinking of using proximity sensors with feedback to motors here). Money isnt an issue as the company that im doing this for is funding anything i need, but i dont want to take the piss obviously :p
Out of interest does anyone know where i can find some example schematics on these hydro-controllers?


Active Member
Also i should probably mention that the system is going to be pretty small, roughly the same size as the aerogarden (which i also tried to use once, what a piece of cr*p :P). Probably only going to fit 1 plant in there for the roots sake.

Cato Zen

Active Member
Try Programmable Logic Controllers, these systems are used for controlling large batch factory conditions. Rockwell makes friendly PLC's.


Well-Known Member
Use a basic stamp, micro controller (parallax or one like it) http://www.parallax.com/ and your going to need feedback sensors for everything if you want it to be fool proof and even then plant genetics are going to play the final role. . . This isn't actually going to be used by NASA just a sort of school project reflecting NASA's plant program, right? NASA has really strict guidelines for electronics. They have to pass so many tests, including a G-force test that would destroy anything not fabricated specifically for space application, it cost millions to develop and even then they have a high failure rate. A fully automated system is very possible, but it would take a lot from just one person. You're not only going to have to develop software but also hardware, good luck and keep us posted.


Active Member
Cheers for the help guys.
Juicybuds you're right this isnt going to be used by nasa its just a university project. There is however a british space exploration company who are funding the project and im basicaly doing it for them, called 'magna parva'. Obviously theyre not going to send my system into space or anything :p but they just want a rough prototype to do whatever it is they do in their labs. My main role is to develop the engineering side of it all. To be honest i really dont care about the company seeing as theyre exploiting students like me :D My ideal goal would be to get good marks, then use my knowledge and apply it to make my own system after uni, something like the aerogarden but ACTUALLY aeroponic, and suited more for our needs rather than people who like to grow strawberries on the kitchen counter...


Well-Known Member
Word, this is an awesome project, and you could actually score yourself a good job if you turn something cool out of this. You'd have interesting things to think about, like how the water gets to the pump in a half empty barrel without gravity. I'm sure they already have that down, but i'm stumped. How does the nutrient water run away from your plants in zero gravity...centrifugal acceleration? I think dwc would work really well if you just have a tight seal around the plant base... you could hook up an O2 tank and pump in equal parts O2 and nutrient globs floating around with the roots... Your plants would fuckin love it!!