Fungi gnats


Active Member
So I'm in week 6 of flower I'm growing in 2gal fabric pots with fox farms ocean forrest soil. I just noticed when I was looking at the top of the soil when watering something tiny moving and flew away. After inspecting my pots I see very little gnats but I know they are there doesn't seem like a bad infestation but who knows what's under the soil. So far I've sprayed Plant therapy which claims to kill on contact it's made by lost coast. I've also put up a bunch of sticky traps and also layed some down on the top of the pots where I've noticed them. Is it to late late to give them one part hydrogen peroxide four parts water?
Neem meal, just had the same problem and a friend on here advised me to sprinkle a bit over top of soil and blow a fan over it, the difference is amazing.
Fungus Gnats are usually a sign of over watering. Mosquito Dunks work well but mild infestations will usually go away with proper watering practices. If you have a sever infestation, Gnatrol is the product you need.
Definitely getting this today... Have you actually used it?

Many times. Before I learned to water correctly, remove stagnant water and provide air circulation, it was like I was raising fungus gnats.
The BTI drench takes care of the larvae in the medium which are feeding on the roots and also kills the eggs. I put two ounces in a gallon
of water, let sit for twelve hrs, then use next time I need to water or feed. Completely organic, highly effective.
I started using 2 methods with good results so far.
1. I top dressed earthworm castings, someone said ewc, sometimes have little beneficial insects that eat fungus gnats larvae.
2. I bought these and they have worked so far.
images (12).jpeg
I have yellow sticky traps and spray with neem oil solution after watering. They’re still there but not nearly as bad
3% peroxide drench will kill all larvae and keep the gnats away from the soil till its dry.

I use about half a bottle on the soil then half gallon of water to follow up.

Place yellow sticky trap by the bases of the plant on the soil immidiately after drench and water.

Should be almost if not completely gnat free.

BUT if you have that buildup on the outside of your fabric pots they will not be eradicated.

I scrog my plants and use fabric pots. So at a certain point I can no longer clean my pots. Therefor I am switching back to plastic lol
I use nematodes,and yellow sticky’s,but I’m in coco and it’s always well hydrated,you can wash your fabric pots in the washing machine with just a cup or two of white vinegar.
At least two, if not three, of whatever angles of attack you're given. That's what you'll probably need to do. Disrupt their life cycle permanently and assume there's more for at least a month.
If the infestation is minor, i recommend a top dressing of an inch or so of perlite or pea gravel. I agree that fly paper is also a good method.
I use Scanmask nematodes now - I put about 10,000,000 distributed into my soil when I up-pot to final homes.

I've also used:
Dry out the soil - make the plants beg a bit. Did this 3x along with the below:
Diatomaceous Earth (kills EVERYTHING - beneficial bugs too. Gives a small silica boost to the plants)
**********Wear PPE (respirator / eye protection / gloves) --- this stuff is petrified shells crushed to a fine powder. All sharp points that tear apart the skin of anything crawling through the soil. Nasty stuff to breathe - picture your lungs running naked through a world made of rose bushes.*********
Citric Acid / Soap solution - I have a branded version. Wipe down surfaces (walls, floors, anywhere bugs land except for pots & soil)
----mixed right, it's a non-toxic, food-surface-safe contact killer. Very short acting.
Sticky Boards - Just big sticky traps - I still have a few packs from my pest control days.
A quick ISO spray mix ( simple diy ) can be quite effective upfront then use of additional measures for drench.
Something like SNS 203 ... works well.

I run blended soil mixes and to temper any bug Issues , I add Neem meal to the mix ( blend in ) so medium has it well within it.
ISO breaks thru waxy exteriors of those bug bastards - mites too.
Nematodes are the shit! I had a huge fungus gnat problem a couple weeks ago, I had like 200 flying things in a single pot! I bought nematodes Metarhizium anisopliae, and BTi. I started alternating them and currently I have in the same por like 2 fungus gnats, from 200 down to 2, one more week of this and they will be history!