Fungus Gnats and their larvea (THE FINAL SOLUTION) Also feel free to add any ideas


New Member
Hi if your like me fungus gnats really grind your gears and everyone has their own way of dealing with them
Personally ive found the fastest way ive ever dealt with a large number of gnats attacking at once

For this remedy you will need
1.Pack of fly strips as many or as little as you like
2. An issue with fungus gnats (big or small)

Ok so breakdown we know 2 things
1. Fungus gnats LOVE to fly around the bottom of your plants and really give your soil a new one
2. They are fast to appear and will cause MAJOR plant health issues which some novice growers may be quick to jump past the idea of gnats being what's wrong with their plants

Anyways what most people forget is this handy little thing called a fly strip
Why do i care so much let me tell you right now by laying a fly strip at the top of the soil and especially at rhe bottom of plants where it may be heavily infested

So basically if you dont have time to read this nonsense
1. Unroll the fly strip
2.Discard sharp hanging tack or keep it up to u
3.While avoiding sticking to leaves gently lay the strip around the affected plant or string across multiple pots if you are growing more than one plant if the infestation is heavy you should see them landing on the fly strip within 5 to 10 minutes
4.Keep in mind this is not a pesticide you are not going to "Kill them with fire" you are simply using their tiny fly brains against them and waiting for them to all land on the strip which for me took about 2 days to clear up the whole problem

This is a hypothetical idea I have not tried but you could take an extra container of soil and overwater it highly to attract the gnats then lay fly strips on the "bait" soil

I do not know how to implement this into an outdoor grow or greenhouse but for all the indoor growers i can assure you this is one of the safest and fastest ways to deal with fungus gnats and maybe even other marijuana pests

HOW TO DEAL WITH LARVEA: add diatemacuous earth to top of soil
No I dont know the PH just professer of pot coming up on the post about fungus gnats complaining about larvea like dont let people like Captain cuckold bring you down keep growing that shit everyday fungus gnats can be stopped they are not evolving
Happy growing hopefully this will take care of the little b*tches once and for all

Also added the smartass comment so it cant be removed names have been removed to protect the ignorant and the stupid (the bottom guy knew what he was talking about dont hate message him)


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JFYI holometabolic insects survived all major mass extinction events since the kambrian explosion and thus, have a tested working solution at hand to survive your flystrip frontal assault :D
hint: look inside the SOIL! XD
If you can get it, SM90 works great. I found out about it too late when I had them little bastards, lost the grow but used it and killed the larva. They ingest it and it stops them from feeding and they die.
JFYI holometabolic insects survived all major mass extinction events since the kambrian explosion and thus, have a tested working solution at hand to survive your flystrip frontal assault :D
hint: look inside the SOIL! XD
Dude they only leave larvea in super fucking wet soil maybe you should just be happy someone's trying to help people who need it go act like a knowitall faggot on someone elses post like my nigga nobody cares that you are on here making an ass of urself so XDDDDD right back into being a 13 year old who still XDDDDD god fucking christ and damn did i ever even ask you
Also i might add their reproduction cycle is not a "defense mechanism" rather how they continue to create new fungus gnats if they were making larvea in response to being trapped on a sticky thing that would be called evolution instead they're simply "reproducing and repopulating" theyre fucking flies kid they dont have some master plan and are not able to outsmart and or outwit a human in basically any way if you want to continue to imply that flies are slowly evolving to get around fly strips and never being stuck again then please keep acting like an internet Einstien I will make sure to watch when they give you your award for entomology
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If you can get it, SM90 works great. I found out about it too late when I had them little bastards, lost the grow but used it and killed the larva. They ingest it and it stops them from feeding and they die.
Thank you for meaningful feedback, im just trying to help out people who are having an issue with gnats themselves but everyone if your having gnats n larvea issues get some sm90 like he/she said
JFYI holometabolic insects survived all major mass extinction events since the kambrian explosion and thus, have a tested working solution at hand to survive your flystrip frontal assault :D
hint: look inside the SOIL! XD
Diatemacuous earth in the soil as a top dressing yep looks like your right theyre really adapting and overcoming
Hi if your like me fungus gnats really grind your gears and everyone has their own way of dealing with them
Personally ive found the fastest way ive ever dealt with a large number of gnats attacking at once

For this remedy you will need
1.Pack of fly strips as many or as little as you like
2. An issue with fungus gnats (big or small)

Ok so breakdown we know 2 things
1. Fungus gnats LOVE to fly around the bottom of your plants and really give your soil a new one
2. They are fast to appear and will cause MAJOR plant health issues which some novice growers may be quick to jump past the idea of gnats being what's wrong with their plants

Anyways what most people forget is this handy little thing called a fly strip
Why do i care so much let me tell you right now by laying a fly strip at the top of the soil and especially at rhe bottom of plants where it may be heavily infested

So basically if you dont have time to read this nonsense
1. Unroll the fly strip
2.Discard sharp hanging tack or keep it up to u
3.While avoiding sticking to leaves gently lay the strip around the affected plant or string across multiple pots if you are growing more than one plant if the infestation is heavy you should see them landing on the fly strip within 5 to 10 minutes
4.Keep in mind this is not a pesticide you are not going to "Kill them with fire" you are simply using their tiny fly brains against them and waiting for them to all land on the strip which for me took about 2 days to clear up the whole problem

This is a hypothetical idea I have not tried but you could take an extra container of soil and overwater it highly to attract the gnats then lay fly strips on the "bait" soil

I do not know how to implement this into an outdoor grow or greenhouse but for all the indoor growers i can assure you this is one of the safest and fastest ways to deal with fungus gnats and maybe even other marijuana pests

HOW TO DEAL WITH LARVEA: add diatemacuous earth to top of soil
No I dont know the PH just professer of pot coming up on the post about fungus gnats complaining about larvea like dont let people like Captain cuckold bring you down keep growing that shit everyday fungus gnats can be stopped they are not evolving
Happy growing hopefully this will take care of the little b*tches once and for all

Also added the smartass comment so it cant be removed names have been removed to protect the ignorant and the stupid (the bottom guy knew what he was talking about dont hate message him)

Flystrips work to catch the flyers... but for every gnat you can see there's probably 100 more in the soil... unless you treat for the ones holed up in the soil you'll never get them all ... if I get an infestation I use a 5 pronged approach and it's always worked for me in organic living soil..

My suggestions, in order of importance:

1) Maintain a good wet/dry cycle in the soil ... gnats thrive and reproduce in wet soils... when the soil is dried out it's more difficult for them to reproduce and eliminates their natural habitat .. if I'm having a problem with gnats I'll usually let the dry cycle go a little longer
2) Mosquito Dunks ... this is a biological mosquito control that contains Bacillus Thuringiensis... it's designed to kill mosquito larvae in standing water but it works just as well on fungus gnat larvae living in the soil ... you can find them at any home depot/lowes or hardware store for under 10 bucks ... I crush the dunks up into a powder and I top dress the soil, as well as soaking it in water for about 24 hrs before watering it in... it doesn't work instantly on adult gnats but will wipe out the entire larvae stage population and you'll notice a huge difference in about a week.
3) Neem/Horticultural Oil .. Gnats absolutely hate this stuff ... it essentially smothers any them in oil rendering them essentially dead ... they'll avoid any areas treated and I spray it lightly on the top of the soil after watering and if it's a really bad outbreak I'll spray the plants themselves.
4) Diatomaceous Earth .. I'll use DE lightly spread around the base of the plant to repel the adult gnats ... they hate this stuff and you'll notice an almost instant reduction in adult gnats crawling around the top of the soil .. Just make sure to only spread this when the top of the soil is completely dry... if applied when the soil is wet it can crust and form an impermeable layer on the top of the soil that'll need to be broken up
4) Flystrips .. these will catch any gnats out and about flying around the growspace ... they can't reproduce if their stuck to a sheet of glue ... I usually have a flystrip or two hanging in my grow spaces or greenhouse ... they're by no means the final solution and steps 1-4 are the better at treating the problem permanently though.
Flystrips work to catch the flyers... but for every gnat you can see there's probably 100 more in the soil... unless you treat for the ones holed up in the soil you'll never get them all
Your advice is spot on. I just want to add that I have successfully eradicated fungus gnats from my grow area using only fly strips and proper watering (really underwatering), only downside over using bacteria, fungus, or chemicals is that it took 2 weeks till it was nearly good, and then another two weeks to stop seeing the last of them. You might have a harder time if your grow area is really dense too.