Well-Known Member
So i had some chunks in my GH cal mag and stopped by a local store to find something similar. Found this Future Harvest by Holland secret. Looking pretty good. They have a whole line up. I used to Calnesium but the label was totally wrong about dosage. I had already gone light. One plant was burned pretty badly but most of the others were okay. I will definitely go lighter next time.
Hopefully I can post a link here. It's pretty cheap stuff and for me to be able to just go to the store and get this where I live is something that's never happened before lol! So I think I'll be trying out more of this stuff.
anyone else tried it?
Hopefully I can post a link here. It's pretty cheap stuff and for me to be able to just go to the store and get this where I live is something that's never happened before lol! So I think I'll be trying out more of this stuff.

Liquid Supplements
Future Harvest provides a full range of supplements insuring that your plant’s needs are being met at every critical rooting, growth and bloom or fruiting stage. All of the Future Harvest supplements are designed to work in harmony with all high quality nutrients available today.

anyone else tried it?