FV-08VS1 Panasonic Whisper or S&P TD-100


Well-Known Member
Both are about the same price just wondering which pros would choose? Whisper holds up better against SP than the TD-100 BUT in my research it sounds like its impossible to install a carbon filter on the whisper. I have a 250w hps in my 2'x3'x2' LxHxW grow room so i need my ventilation to be spot on. Stealth is also a EXTREME concern so noise has to be low. Has anyone on this site use the whisper with a carbon filter? Also can i run this fan in reverse (this would solve my problem)?


Well-Known Member
Both are about the same price just wondering which pros would choose? Whisper holds up better against SP than the TD-100 BUT in my research it sounds like its impossible to install a carbon filter on the whisper. I have a 250w hps in my 2'x3'x2' LxHxW grow room so i need my ventilation to be spot on. Stealth is also a EXTREME concern so noise has to be low. Has anyone on this site use the whisper with a carbon filter? Also can i run this fan in reverse (this would solve my problem)?
A lot of people do not use those particular fans, so naturally, a lot of people can't help, so they didn't comment. I did consider buying the Panasonic Whisper when I was researching fans for my own uses. I don't recall seeing any bad reviews, and most people recommended them (which is how I found out about them in the first place). I do not think I heard of the S&P TD-100.

If you do a Google search for "site:rollitup.org S&P TD-100" (without quotes) (has 284 search results) and "site:rollitup.org Whisper" (without quotes) (has 2,680 search results), you can read previous reviews from other RollItUp.org members, and then you can weigh the pros and cons for yourself. You can also look up the customer reviews on Amazon.com for the Soler & Palau TD-100 and Panasonic Whisper. Even on Amazon.com, the Panasonic Whisper seems to be a best seller with over 100 reviews compared to the SP TD-100 with only 2 or 3 reviews... Whisper seems to be the most tested, most used, and more popular fan of the two, so based on other's recommendations and if I where you, that's the one I would choose....

I do not know if the Whisper can run in reverse. I do know it was designed to pull air out of bathrooms and other small spaces. With that said, I think most inline-fans are designed to pull, but people use them to push air as well, so you could try it to see if it works or not...

One more thing, I do not know about the SP TD-100 because, as I stated above, I never researched it myself, but with the Whisper, you're going to have to do some very minor electrical work for yourself... I do not believe that it comes prewired with a power cord attached so you can't plug it into a regular wall socket out of the box. You're going to have to do that yourself. I do not think this is a huge obstacle and there should be tutorials online to show you how to accomplish this....


Active Member
Hi ImGuccBro,

i use the S&P TD 160/100 in a 1m Long * 0.6m deep * 2m high cupboard, pulling in through 1m of 200mm flat channel ducting and out through 4 Mountain air 100mm filters, 1 pair in parallel (this reduces the airflow through each filter and reduces the presure drop meaning more air circulated by the fan) before the fan and 1 pair in parallel after the fan. This setup also greatly reduces the noise from intake and out take. Without these blocked off with filters or a silencer you may as well get a Ruck centrifugal for more power.

I cant measure how much air is exchanged but the setup seems sufficient for my means. this of course will not provide the necessary circulation WITHIN the box.

Regarding noise the S&P is very quiet - my PC is way noisier. If there is no other noise and the cupboard doors are closed i can barely hear the S&P at all. The PC drowns it out when its on.

Please see http://www.solerandpalau.co.uk/docs/catalogo_general/en_602_613_td_silent_fid5969.pdf for data on the S&P Silent series fans. Of greatest note are:
-Page 4: the basic specs - power, noise, airflow
-Page 5: the physical dimensions
-Pages 6-8: the performance curves and detailed acoustic measurements. Note that on page 6 the TD160/100 isnt that powerful a fan as performance drops off quite rapidly, though it is very quiet. If you can fit 5" ducting or have space for a 5" to 4" reducer then the TD-350/125 is the best option imo. It has twice the performance of the TD160/100 and is actually quieter. I didnt have space for it.

I cant give you any info on the Panasonic though sorry,
