FYI: Dehumidifiers


... thought I would share.

I needed one so did some research and managed to get my hands on this (see below).

I tend to shower with the bathroom door opened and between that and January environmental conditions, (when I purchased it) the humidity was almost 70%. Yikes! Not very good for allergies either, as my research also revealed.

I ended up getting a Soleus 30 pt to control a bedroom w/stealth box (4.5' x 2' x 4'). I keep it (humidifier) just outside the bedroom door near an adjoining living room and bathroom with a ceiling fan running for circulation. I ran the unit for 24hrs (as recommended on first run) and it brought humidity down to 50. I now run it as needed to keep humidity between 45-55 (and I don't leave the bathroom door open when showering anymore).

There is a 2 and 4 hour timer feature which I use often and the energy/cost imprint has been next to nill.

One item of note, is that the unit tends to exhaust warm air. I live in a warm climate and have central AC so luckily, I can aim the unit exhaust into the bathroom and leave the bathroom exhaust fan on while the unit is on to vent the unit's exhaust - rather than having the unit competing with the AC.

Also of note.. it is not quiet. There are 3 fan speeds but even the lowest fan speed is not subtle. I was able to sleep with it left on overnight though.. it's like a large fan.

Hope someone finds it useful.
