G-13 problem?


Well-Known Member
The first and last two pictures the tips look like they are burned by a a pesticide. Did you happen to use neem oil? The middle picture is a progressing nitrogen deficiency. Have you been feeding it nutrients in minute amounts?

Entheogenic Shaman

Active Member
I had introcduced some clones, from a friends garde, that were infested with spider mites. I used neem oil as a preventatives, and may have burned them. I have been using 1/2 strength nutes, advanced nutrients Sensi grow a and b. Are you saing I should up the nutrients?


Well-Known Member
-Most likely not G-13

-Really small for 6 weeks

-Shoulda went with soil your first(assuming) grow

-I don't fuck with hydro/drip sytems so can't really help you, but to me it looks like some kind of deff. or lack of nutes

-Might wanna find out your ppm/ph of water and other details if you want good help

Entheogenic Shaman

Active Member
PPM is about 350
ph is approx 5.8
First grow using Hydro
Got the seeds in a breeder pack labeled g-13xhaze
I think that it may have been overheated and stunted a bit.