G13 Auto AK - First time auto


Just chucking this here for now, popped my Auto AK freebie from the October promo into paper towel on the 1st, moved it to a jiffy pellet when it showed a root on the 2nd, and it sprouted on the 4th.

Peat Cube went into the pot on the 8th, which I'm marking as the start of veg :)

Here's a pic from last night, sitting under a 48w fluro at the moment.

Days from:
Seed: 10
Sprout: 6
Veg: 2


Well-Known Member
I have never grown autos before but I just put my last 3 auto AKs in paper towels today. I am happy I found your post. Good luck! Subbed


Welp, here's another pic...not much happening now but there is some strong growth there.

Days from:
Seed: 12
Sprout: 8
Veg: 4


New Member
keep us updated

keen to see how this goes compared to the othe auto ak's easy ryder , auto assassin , mi5 , jet47 etc

i always run auto's to fill my veg tent fav by far is deisle ryder wat a stinky dank little plant


Well-Known Member
I have a couple of these from the October promo too. I'm pretty sure it is new. Interested to see how they do.


hey, glad to have you all along for the ride. This is the first seed I have popped out of the first batch of seeds i have bought, and having some plants here from bagseed, I gotta say I'm glad i dropped the cash and bought something. Much more vital seedling than any I have raised so far, seems to be growing like well...a weed!

This baby is unfortunantly never going to see the flowering cabinet...it's destined for the veg boxes which have kinda filled up with plants just waiting to be flowered. They were never meant to be perminant, but to give you an idea, here is a pic of where it's going :)

Days from:
Seed: 14
Sprout: 10
Veg: 6


Well, isn't she growing strong...can't upload pics at the moment but will try to get something up soon. 2nd leaf set is now 130-140mm tip to tip, which hangs it over the edges of the pot. Still staying fairly compact, about 1-2mm node to node. Day 18 now and no nutes into the soil, but last 4-5 days have been giving a week foliar feed once a day. Seems to have really made it take off.

The plant is being kept under 1 48w 6500k fluro 24/0, with a 18w desk fan buffering it constantly. it's currently in a 125mm pot and will be moving into something big and square...probably a 240mm to finish in. Going to be going under 7 x 23w 2700k and 3x 23w 6500k fluros...unless money picks up and i can afford that blackstar 135 I have been wanting...


Well, Here's another couple of pics. First off, moved into a new pot, 280mm square (i think) which holds roughly 2.5gal of soil. Unfortunately this is the biggest pot i have room for, so it's gunna have to do for finishing.

PICS :) (oh wait, nets being an ass, more pics later!)
Days from:
Seed: 20
Sprout: 16
Veg: 12


Been a bit slow getting it to the computer, but I noticed pistils on the plant about 36 hours ago. So, yesterdays update, followed by a quicky from today :)
PS. I was following another auto ak thread that was a few days ahead to gauge how I was going here, but it seems to have died off. Feel free to post any pics you guys have of this strain, but bear in mind they are much more useful if you have some info on the plant, at least how old it is :) THANKS FOR READING ALONG GUYS!

FLOWER: DAY 1(21 days Seed packet - > pistils)/FROM SEED: DAY 21
A little hard to see, but the first pistils are there. Transplant doesn't seem to have slowed growth at all, but we had a hot night a few days ago and got a thripp infestation as a reward...between the 2 huntsman that made it in in the rain last night and a dilute pyrethrum, they are either dieing or getting eaten in a big hurry (the spiders are only staying while there are bugs they are getting rid of, really have no problem with huntsmen spiders and they seem to keep things like thripps and mites controllable populations) so I'm not to worried. First plant of mine to actually make it to flower so far so this is exciting :)

You can see the thripp damage here a bit better, but it is no-worse than yesterday (thankfully). Plant is still popping up more and more, going to have to find something a little smaller to prop it up to the lights soon :D.