Gabbage worms?


Well-Known Member
I have found three or four buds that have brown spots on them. When I peel into the brown spot. I noticed there were some little pellets, I think eggs.
Then I noticed a little worm about 2 inches away. It's in one of the pictures.
It just so happens, that about 20 ft away from my pot patch. I have one brussel sprout plant. It has been completely devoured this summer.
So I think the worms have went to my pot plants. I've noticed some moths flying out of my plants.
I'm turning 3,000 ladybugs loose tonight. They say they enjoy eating cabbage Moths,20240907_095222.jpg20240907_095222.jpg20240907_100248.jpg20240907_100522.jpg20240907_101314.jpg20240907_095434.jpg worms and Loopers. Would anybody like to add to this or comment please
Probably cabbage worms/caterpillars. Not too sure what you can do about it, it looks like its been in flower too long to us BT.
That's bud rot from caterpillar poop. I'd cut it off asap, when it spreads it can ruin entire crops.
So you're buying ladybugs to set them free outside? Lmao. K
And yea IT IS botrytis
From 3 weeks ago. I have stopped all infestation. Using no chemicals, visually going thru buds and using tulle.
I am proud to say, I have found no other worms.
I lost 12 buds, early harvested the branch the bud was on.
I may have saved my whole crop. Yes the lady bugs helped and a lot of them are still there.
Now fighting PM. Look how close my plants are. My first year. I know better next year.20240916_193009.jpg