Garage growing - where to keep harvest?


Active Member
So I'm growing in my garage, I keep it locked and my girl is afraid to go in there. Coming time to harvest soon. I thought I'd just cut off the buds/ leaves that look sticky, stick them in a ziplock that I leave a little open, and keep in somewhere in the garage where roaches can't get into it. But I was watching youtube vids and they say that heat can hurt the good chemicals, causing them to degrade. And it gets like 105 F in my garage. Damn. I do have a small fridge in there - can I just keep them in a ziplock in my fridge, with the bag open a bit?

Thanks for any help!!!
You are gonna have to dry it somewhere other than a hot garage. It will dry too fast at those temps. Cut off anything that doesn’t have visible trichomes on it and then cut the plant just once at the base to harvest. Hang it somewhere in the house where it’s dark and temps are normal. Like a closet or basement. Any semi enclosed space will do. No fans. Should take about 7-10 days to fully dry. Do not seal it inside anything before drying completely. Fully dry means the stems should not be “bendy;” they should feel like they almost snap when bent over. If it creases and just bends over the bud is not ready to be sealed up yet.
Depending on the size of your harvest you can make your own drying box in varying sizes. In the beginning I made 2. 1 using a pc fan and a carbon filter from an AC. The other with a very small usb fan and some loose charcoal from a fish tank as a filter. Both boxes were made from youtube videos and neither smelled up my house (unless I opened the box). Somehow though you need to develop a place other than the garage. It's a terrible thought to ruin all that time spent growing your plants with an improper dry.