Garbage Can as grow room?


Active Member
I have decided to use my garbage can as a grow room for my one plant. I have 8x 26 watt and 1 40 watt CFL. I want it to be stealth so no one will notice. Except now when I look at the temperture inside I see its about 84 degrees with a fan blowing inside. There is an AC on in the room and its on full blast. I was thinking I should drill holes on the sides to help lower the tempture but not sure that will really do anything.

Here are pictures of how I set it up.



Well-Known Member
its not goin to work for you,u need the temps to be 6degrees cooler for optimum temps,and the fan cant be facing the plants,u need the breeze to come from underneath the canopy,not directly above it.good initiative tho,rep for it,if u can get it fixed and lookin good then it will look like an ordinary lamp from afar.


Well-Known Member
How exactly is it going to be stealth with all that light showing out around it and the fan blowing into the garbage can? People might notice.... Just sayin...


Well-Known Member
get one of those grey trash cans with wheels on the bottom at home depot,or lowes.
measure your cfl's and then proceed to cut hole's of where u are ganna place them.

if cracks use duct tape.then measure how high your pots reach in their,and drill a small hole run rubber tubing through the hole to the top of pot(so u can water).then get some pc fans and place a few around the garbage can.
and u could use like fabric softners tape around out side of fan to help control order since it would be just 1-2.