Garden SMELL

chaosview 0

Active Member
I have A 400 watt hps on 7 plants on soil in a closet grow room. I am in my 3rd week of flowering. I am using Hesi bloom and phosphorus plus. I have been noticing a strange smell on the buds, (not very pleasent, and not a normal "skunky" bud smell.) My temps hover around 75 - 80 degrees with between 40 - 50 % humidity, and I am worried about bud rot. what could the smell be????? is this normal for plants to have funky smells while flowering? also is my humidity an issue? if so what can be done? any replies would be appreciated...


Active Member
Hrmm.... Have you looked really close for mold / mildew?

Your humidity and temps are fine.

Have you been spraying your leaves with nutes or anything? Sometimes that can attract unwanted guests. If you find mold you're going to have to try and get rid of the parts that have it, they are as good as dead. Good news is, if you can smell it and not see huge signs of it yet, you found it early!

Thats about all I got for ya, hope someone w/ more experience sees your post. Good luck man.