Garlic feeding. What SST to use??

living gardening

Well-Known Member
So I have been using SSTs for my fruit trees and landscaped plants. They seem to be reacting very well. I've been using beans due to cost of popcorn and barley going up.
I have a bed of garlic and was wondering what could be used to boost growth more so under the soil surface?
Any good advice for a first time garlic grower in the mid-west? Soil is so-so. In the process of building it up.
Just in general, what do you use a lot of and what do they like?
Again, first time allium grower. . .
I just spray whatevers leftover from my SST used on my cannabis, which happens to be soybean.i germ them, then freeze to halt and store em for later use.literally any seed would work cuz ur after the enzymes and hormones all seeds have after germination.i spray once every week, Saturday mornings actually, at dawn.
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