Gatorade or Powerade


Active Member
Let me start off by saying that I'm high as fuck right now. I was realllll thirsty so I took a powerade from the fridge. I was looking at the label and it has sodium potassium calcium and magnesium in it as electrolytes and its a form of sugar/carbs. it also has B vitamins. Wouldn't powered be perfect to water cannabis plants with? Like dilute it in water and use that?


not really if you have a few plants you can try an experiment but post the results if you were going to add it I would do it in flowering maybe the time when your flushing might even give it a new taste and you never know you might have the next plant vitamin take the label off and call it an all vitamin electrolyte formula and seel it like the others and sell it for a few dollars like they use the carbo boosters that are molasses only products

Meth On Zombies

Active Member
I wasnt suggesting it was dumb, i'm sorry if it came out like that, but yeah you should try it on a plant and see how that works out. it jsut reminded me of idocracy mostly because i just recently saw it and i was a tad bit high when i typed that.


Active Member
Yeah I was thinking that maybe it could be used in place of molasses. Idk at the time it sounded like a good idea but im thinking it couldnt be bad to try. Unless someone has specific knoweledge on why it would be bad for the plants.


Active Member
Let me start off by saying that I'm high as fuck right now. I was realllll thirsty so I took a powerade from the fridge. I was looking at the label and it has sodium potassium calcium and magnesium in it as electrolytes and its a form of sugar/carbs. it also has B vitamins. Wouldn't powered be perfect to water cannabis plants with? Like dilute it in water and use that?
I'd do your whole crop and tell us how it goes.


Active Member
not really if you have a few plants you can try an experiment but post the results if you were going to add it I would do it in flowering maybe the time when your flushing might even give it a new taste and you never know you might have the next plant vitamin take the label off and call it an all vitamin electrolyte formula and seel it like the others and sell it for a few dollars like they use the carbo boosters that are molasses only products
And hope Powerade does'nt notice?


Active Member
Yeah I was thinking that maybe it could be used in place of molasses. Idk at the time it sounded like a good idea but im thinking it couldnt be bad to try. Unless someone has specific knoweledge on why it would be bad for the plants.
You can get high and hydrated all at once. Pass me that joint son.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
All you're doing is adding more sodium to your soil and it will build up and you will have nute lock out. As the saying goes, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." Unsulphured Black Strap Molasses is great chelating agent and has micro-nutrients that your soil loves. Just because something has sugar in it doesn't make it equal to Molasses. I've seen people laughed and ridiculed off of Grass City for suggesting this very topic. So, in answer, Gatorade or any other ade will not be beneficial to your girls.


Active Member
Let me start off by saying that I'm high as fuck right now. I was realllll thirsty so I took a powerade from the fridge. I was looking at the label and it has sodium potassium calcium and magnesium in it as electrolytes and its a form of sugar/carbs. it also has B vitamins. Wouldn't powered be perfect to water cannabis plants with? Like dilute it in water and use that?
i read the same couple days ago try it if not i will. lol
it might get a little pricey so maybe a feed here and then. also ants willl get crazy