Gender Identification-Help Required Please


My first indoor grow. Started with some 20 year old seeds. Managed to germinated what appears to be a Sativa. It has out grown my indoor area so is currently in the garden, where its doing very well. I've taken a number of clones though and thought I'd flower one of the clones to identify the gender of the mother, and all the other clones.

Also bought some White Widow seed from an online retailer. Germinated one of the seeds and has flourished into quite an attractive plant.

My question is, a week or so after switching to 12 hours on/off, am I right in thinking that the hairs appearing on the nodes off the main stem near the top of the plant indicate females? Both the WW and the sativa cutting?

I appreciate the cutting is very small but was only using this cutting to identify the gender, not to flower and harvest.

Also, I've been growing under a 250W MH with reflector and it works well. I also have a 600W HPS that I was planning to use for flowering but is to powerful for my 4x2x6 ft area. Would a 250W hps do me do you think? My ballasts are 250W and 600W.

Photos attached. Enjoying the forum action, thanks for any posts!

Experimenting with different pruning techniques on the clones and seeing what works well....



]My mother plant has been outdoors now for a few weeks as its outgrown my indoor grow room. I noticed what look like 'man parts' on some of the nodes, even though the plant is getting well in excess of 12 hours light a day.

Can anyone confirm if my mother had turned hermie? Would clones that I took from this plant also have hermie tendencies?

All help appreciated. One clone is definitely female as I have one flowering at the moment.

2011-05-08 16.33.46.jpg2011-05-15 17.19.03.jpg