General ? How To Make The Stereotypical 1 Colas Plant?


Well-Known Member
Really intruiged.

You know typically when you see a marijuana plant with the 1 stem with 1 massive bud riding all the way to the top with only leaves forming from the middle of the colas?...

How is this done?


Well-Known Member
You plant the seed, let it grow, and don't fuck around with it :P

Anything other than what you are after requires training, altering of the plant by human hand.


Well-Known Member
Oh actually i dont think you get what i mean. 1 Stem from the soil... and 1 big bud.. uno.. no branches?


Well-Known Member
Well you cannot get a plant to grow that way naturally but if you feel the need to you can trim off emergent branches or prune the plant of additional growth while it's growing so that it only grows more where your desire. However this is usually pointless and anything this can achieve is achieved just as easily with low stress training.


Well-Known Member
Its just typically when you see a seed strain picture it looks like 1 massive colas, was just wondering how to do it? would it literally be to prune it every time it grew new branches


Well-Known Member
A lot of marijuana strains just grow that way naturally. If they have plenty of light they may not need to branch out or stretch. I have also heard that light hitting the stem influences branching, but I'm not aware of any research on the subject.

Basically - your mileage may vary. Here is a picture from yesterday of one of my girls, if you want to learn how I did it feel free to read through my journal. Link in my signature. Good luck!



Well-Known Member
yea if its a strain that doesn't do that naturally u just cut any branches (not fan leaves) and its called lollipopping, to redirect all the energy to one big bud


Well-Known Member
i think what you seek is in the genetics of the plant not what the grower did

you can try that trim thingy it might just make more branches grow from the main stem it might work but id be surprised
i had two soma nyc diesels going had anccident with one plant it was left with three bottom branches top destroyed i was almost in tears

i tied branches up so they pointed up like main stem the plant wound up with more branches bigger yield then the one that did not loose its top go figure

good luck 1 love

ink the world

Well-Known Member
I grow Violator Kush along w/ a couple other strains and get basically 1 large cola like you describe w/ Violator Kush. I do it by taking a clone and vegging it for about 2 weeks after it has rooted. Then they go right into flowering. I have 2 that I harvest this week that are 13 and 15 inches tall and pretty much 1 bud from the soil up.

Works perfect for me w/ my SOG grow.


Well-Known Member
It is called lollipopping..

Typically you cut off most of the growth on the lower 3rd of the plant in weeks 1 & 3 of bloom so it focuses completely on the Colas.

There are several good threads stickied about growing a pound every 2 weeks or so in another forum by Al B. Fuct, I think it is hydroponics. Anyway, that guy uses the SOG lollipop type grow.


Well-Known Member
There is several strains of cannabis that, if you do not do anything to the plant, they just grow a main stalk with practically no branching. One I can think of is " might mite" i'm sure there are a few you can grow just to have one main cola. When your looking through a seed bank just look for them mentioning " good for SOG "