General Hydroponics Nutes?

HyDro Guy

Active Member
I have looked at many threads about General Hydroponics nutes and Im unsure of ratio. I have read that you only need 1/2 strength for GH but the Lucas formula contradicts that, I believe. I am 2 weeks into flowering, just switched to bloom and have PPM set at 1000. Should I go higher? Tryin to read my plants which look pretty good, although a bit stretchy and not too many bud sites showing yet.


Well-Known Member
i use gh i would say 1000 ppm is good to start week 4-4 u might want to go 1500 ppm but i think i would depend on how many plants you have. if you go higher and you dont get nute burn like leaves discoloring and curling up i think you should be ok.....just add a little more if the plants look good keeo adding and you should be ok...

Krayven Sumhead

Well-Known Member
I'm using GH Bloom formula at @ 1200ppm, 2 weeks into the flowering stage and everthang seems to be going well so far. Rockwool with ebb & flow. When in doubt, feed them less and gradually increase the ppm's. I gots buds about 6" long on the main cola's already. Only dissapointment so far is that out of three really health plants, two turned out to be male and had to go. One is better than none.


Well-Known Member
1200 sounds about right to me. One thing I've found in my experience has been that nutrient burn or excess is a lot easier to identify than most defiencies. Just remember, keep a keen eye on everything and remember what things you've already done. Maybe even take notes? I'll admit though, I've always been a little paranoid about doing that myself. Also, if you see a problem, en route towards fixing it, make sure to change one variable at a time so that you'll be able to easily tell if your "fix" actually worked. Changing too many things at the same time would be something I'd advise against most of the time, but in some cases may be necessary. One thing's for certain, multiple variables will unquestionably make it more difficult to understand the dynamics.


Well-Known Member
I am usin Flora Nova that GH puts put, I LOVE the shit. Makes the stems nice and strong without the need for a fan in the room. I put anywhere from 2ml/gal for babies, up to 10ml/gal eventually as they grow. I am growing in coco, I have never used a PPM meter. dunno where to get one, I just listen to the ladies if its too much I back off the nutes and flush da coco. So far I have had no problems.


Well-Known Member
So, your using the Lucas formula? Awesome! I would concur with the other posters who say raise it to 1200. Lucas himself states that the lucas formula should be used at 1300 PPM throughout the flowering cycle, up until flushing the last week.

Yes, going with the grow formula a couple weeks into flowering will cause some extra stretching but they will turn into nice long colas before too long.

Lucas states that anything between 1100 and 1400 PPM during bloom is adequate (when using the Lucas formula), with a target of 1300 being perfect.

I am using the lucas formula right now and I try to keep the PPM between 1200 ppm and 1300 ppm, and have done so since week 2. IF you are using the lucas formula at 1000 ppm, bring it up to 1300 and keep it there.

I have found that if I use half strength Lucas solution in my top off water, the PPM stays pretty close to perfect most of the time. My PH is also more stable. My PPM will drift to 1400ish between topping off, the half strength formula knocks it back down to about 1200.

You can get absolutely stunning results with the lucas formula and it has more calcium and magnesium than the 1-2-3 formula that GH recomends. This eliminates deficiencies. It also eliminates problems with nutrient lockout, etc.

I have found that the phosphorus is used a little faster than the nitrogen when using Lucas. I change out my resevior solution every 2 weeks. If I keep the solution right at full strength the whole time, during the last few days I get some tip burn from the nitrogen buildup. Because of this, the last 4 days or so, I top with two tablespoons of bloom in five gallons of water, and very little micro. This eliminates tip burn but they don't miss a beat.

by week three you should see some nice calyx formation with lots of white hairs popping out. Your plants will stretch a little more over time. You can calculate the time they will stretch. The stretching phase lasts about 40% of the budding cycle. A ten week flowering strain will stretch for 4 weeks. A seven week strain will stretch for about three weeks.

Bring up your ppm to 1300 and keep it there and let the magic happen!

Hope this helps.

Peace V

HyDro Guy

Active Member
Thanks for all your help peeps. Sry I didn't respond sooner but I was locked out of my account for a while for some reason. :finger: Not sure what I did wrong. I need a lil more advice on these girls, again 2 wks flowering, leaves are very dark green on top but curling down. Lights are pretty close 10" but I used Phosphoload to halt vertical growth and increase yield. Take a look at these pics and tell me what you guys think. I'm guessing nute lock from what I've read. Since I was locked out of my rollitup I couldn't access the threads I posted and I went ahead and raised nutes to 1500PPM. Next time I top off res I'll lower to 1300. Thanks again for all the help guys and please advise on my pics.



Active Member
has anyone used the nutrient calculator ?

wondering if this would be too much . I would not use all of the suggested growth stages ( too many res changes too long of time ) it's putting me at around 1550 ppm for flower. could someone put me / us in the right direction as far as nutrient ppm per growth stage?

i will also be using nova instead of flora