Hey, all.
I talked about this a bit in another thread on the main board, but not wanting to hijack it any further than I already had, I decided to start my own thread in a more suitable section.
I've been smoking for a long time now. I remember a time when I could get pretty much any smoke I wanted and would smoke a lot of quality weed and hash. In the last few years in Montreal, I've seen the weed scene change dramatically from being quality-oriented to quantity-oriented. Once upon a time, I paid little or no attention to what kind of weed was being smoked, as strains were plentiful and many of them were quite nice.
Now over the years, I may have lost many old contacts, but it's become really difficult to get good weed. Everyone in Montreal seems to have the same watered down M39 strain (I believe it's crossed with something called "Basher") with very little THC. I haven't seen a good crystal-encrusted bud here in a long time. Sure, every dealer and his little sister claims that they can get me "exotic" (which here basically translates as "not M39") at exorbitant prices, but none of them seem to come through when the money's laid down. If they did, I doubt that my ounce-a-week habit would be easy to support for a long time playing nearly twice my usual price for weed, but having something nice once in a while wouldn't suck.
So far, no luck.
I'm sick of weak weed. Since nobody can come through for me, I've really been considering growing my own plants.
Now, some questions/concerns:
-How many plants would I need to support a heavy smoker's habit? I realize that (as you'll understand shortly) I wouldn't be able to have that size garden anyway, but I am curious.
-What would you experienced growers recommend for someone who's living in an apartment, and whose wife is not a smoker and probably doesn't want to see my plants all the time? She's not opposed to my habit, but she's not a part of it either and I don't want it to get in her way too much, since I'd rather keep her unopposed to my habit. Is it actually possible to use a closet as a growing space? I'm not talking "walk-in closet" either. Assuming I can set up proper lighting in there, would there be some humidity issues? Would ventilation actually be required for a closet-sized garden?
-If a closet-garden is indeed possible, are there any seriously potent couch-locking types of weed that thrive well in such growing conditions?
-Assuming that the life-cycles are relatively similar, are there any reasons not to grow two strains simultaneously?
-This may not be an issue if I'm talking about a potential closet-garden, but I want to ask anyway: do any of you growers have cats? Are my cats likely to start chewing my plants and risk getting all fucked up on some mature White Widow (for example)? They do chew other types of house plant, so I've always had to be careful as to whether the plants we brought home were potentially toxic to cats.
OK, I'll stop for now, since every extra word is killing one more potential reader.
BTW, if you live in/near Montreal and have access to nice potent bud, feel free to become lifelong friends with me.
I talked about this a bit in another thread on the main board, but not wanting to hijack it any further than I already had, I decided to start my own thread in a more suitable section.
I've been smoking for a long time now. I remember a time when I could get pretty much any smoke I wanted and would smoke a lot of quality weed and hash. In the last few years in Montreal, I've seen the weed scene change dramatically from being quality-oriented to quantity-oriented. Once upon a time, I paid little or no attention to what kind of weed was being smoked, as strains were plentiful and many of them were quite nice.
Now over the years, I may have lost many old contacts, but it's become really difficult to get good weed. Everyone in Montreal seems to have the same watered down M39 strain (I believe it's crossed with something called "Basher") with very little THC. I haven't seen a good crystal-encrusted bud here in a long time. Sure, every dealer and his little sister claims that they can get me "exotic" (which here basically translates as "not M39") at exorbitant prices, but none of them seem to come through when the money's laid down. If they did, I doubt that my ounce-a-week habit would be easy to support for a long time playing nearly twice my usual price for weed, but having something nice once in a while wouldn't suck.
So far, no luck.
I'm sick of weak weed. Since nobody can come through for me, I've really been considering growing my own plants.
Now, some questions/concerns:
-How many plants would I need to support a heavy smoker's habit? I realize that (as you'll understand shortly) I wouldn't be able to have that size garden anyway, but I am curious.
-What would you experienced growers recommend for someone who's living in an apartment, and whose wife is not a smoker and probably doesn't want to see my plants all the time? She's not opposed to my habit, but she's not a part of it either and I don't want it to get in her way too much, since I'd rather keep her unopposed to my habit. Is it actually possible to use a closet as a growing space? I'm not talking "walk-in closet" either. Assuming I can set up proper lighting in there, would there be some humidity issues? Would ventilation actually be required for a closet-sized garden?
-If a closet-garden is indeed possible, are there any seriously potent couch-locking types of weed that thrive well in such growing conditions?
-Assuming that the life-cycles are relatively similar, are there any reasons not to grow two strains simultaneously?
-This may not be an issue if I'm talking about a potential closet-garden, but I want to ask anyway: do any of you growers have cats? Are my cats likely to start chewing my plants and risk getting all fucked up on some mature White Widow (for example)? They do chew other types of house plant, so I've always had to be careful as to whether the plants we brought home were potentially toxic to cats.
OK, I'll stop for now, since every extra word is killing one more potential reader.
BTW, if you live in/near Montreal and have access to nice potent bud, feel free to become lifelong friends with me.