Generation Oregon Trail


Well-Known Member
Being born in 1984 I've felt for the last couple years as though I didn't quite fit into Generation X or Generation Millennial. Events that shaped Generation X's lives were before my time. But yet the Millennial's narrative does not fit my life either and I think it's for 1 big reason. I can remember a childhood and life before the internet. Which I think is a pretty big deal in respects to how I was raised and how kids the last 15-20 years were raised. So I did some research and apparently I'm not alone in my thinking. Generation Oregon Trail is the in-betweeners. Which is funny cuz I definitely remember dying of dysentery lol. Anybody else feel as though they are an inbetweeners? Ok whatever fuck y'all.
Being born in 1984 I've felt for the last couple years as though I didn't quite fit into Generation X or Generation Millennial. Events that shaped Generation X's lives were before my time. But yet the Millennial's narrative does not fit my life either and I think it's for 1 big reason. I can remember a childhood and life before the internet. Which I think is a pretty big deal in respects to how I was raised and how kids the last 15-20 years were raised. So I did some research and apparently I'm not alone in my thinking. Generation Oregon Trail is the in-betweeners. Which is funny cuz I definitely remember dying of dysentery lol. Anybody else feel as though they are an inbetweeners? Ok whatever fuck y'all.
I know that feel 1982. Oregon trail and Kings Quest bruh
I'm telling you… the gap is widening. I got a new helper born in 1996. 12 years after me. Yet him and I are both considered millennials. And everything about us could not be more different. From time management to tastes in music. I had to go to a library to figure shit out for school. He looked shit up on his computer at home. I was 12 years old when dial up 56k came out. I had 12 years of creeks, dinner bells and bikes. That's a pretty big, defining attribute for the differences in a generation.
I'm telling you… the gap is widening. I got a new helper born in 1996. 12 years after me. Yet him and I are both considered millennials. And everything about us could not be more different. From time management to tastes in music. I had to go to a library to figure shit out for school. He looked shit up on his computer at home. I was 12 years old when dial up 56k came out. I had 12 years of creeks, dinner bells and bikes. That's a pretty big, defining attribute for the differences in a generation.
I am on the fringe. Some say i am a gen x'er some a millenial. dob 1978.
I have used a pay phone, had a pager, and finally a cell. There is definitely a difference.