Germ'd Seeds??


Hey guys!!!!!

Been growing for awhile now but I wanted to know what you people do with your germinated seeds... Do you put it in a smaller pot or put it in it's final pot to start I've always wanted to know. I put it in it's final pot and I have had no problems yet... Do you think it would be better to start small then transfer?? Why shock it though? Let me know what you guys thinks... Happy 4/20 from a Colorado native :D:D:D:D:D:D :bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I germ in root cubes > into party cups > #5pot or larger depending on the plant.

I think starting them in the final pot is also totally legit, too. Just gata be careful not to overwater it while young. I use the transplants as a time to reapply mycos directly to the roots. I'd love to here other peoples thoughts on the advantages/disadvantages of each.


Well-Known Member
My first grow I did straight to pot in a 3 gallon smart pot. My roots came out meh. It may be a combination of how I cared for it and the pot but on my second grow all my plants started in cups or quart pots, moved to a one gallon, then a two gallon, and finally finishing off in a three gallon. My roots have been very healthy this grow around and I'm happy for it.

Transplanting by the way does not shock your plant if done properly. My plants keep chugging along right after transplant.

