germinated seeds, put it AG and it stopped?

i got one seed to sprout but all the rest grew really slow or not at all. so i took them out and planted them in soil and they took off. i would check the ph just to be sure when the one plant sprouted ph went wacky. all is good now except i only have one plant in my aero and two small clones of her. dimebagdan
still stuck at where they are took them out and put them back in paper towels to see if i could let taproot grow some more, after 24 hrs, didnt' work, put back in aerogarden, still not growing........but the ph of the water is still 7. distilled water. i knwo the water is good cuz i have another plant (a flower..small one) that isprouted along with it. and the roots of this one are growing fast and yiou can see the plant difference each day. so yeah i know its good. but these 2 seeds. have the crack, a little taproot. but wont seem to push itself out even more
so i decided to open one of hte 2 seeds. the one with barely the t aproot out. it rotted. its complete mush inside. i slightly touched the taproot of the other one though with tweezers. seems solid. but it wont come out. its in the aerogardne. dont know what to do. its killing me
Hey man

Before i start, take a look at my journal .... my plants are 14 days old right now !

After reading your little blurb at the start i noticed two things that you said you DIDN't do, that i DID and truly believe helped my seeds through the germinating stage.

- The first is that after looking at many websites about PH for water i came to realize that the best PH for a hydroponic system is between 5.5 and 5.7 ! You said that your water's PH is 7, thats way to high for hydroponics .... i suggest you buy a PH test kit ..... if you need to lower your PH use pure lemon juice (Only a couple drops ! it is quick to lower PH level)

- The second is that your starting off your germinated seeds with zero nutrients ! your plants need some help to get going and the minute you put the nutes into the AeroGarden reservoir you will instantly see the water start to jump ! The seeds will love this and will definitely help them out.

Try these two things out and let me know if you have any luck !

P.S remove the AeroGarden light from the arm and hang it by (rope, string, tape, chains, ect.) and keep it 2" away at all times ! Also work an 18/6 lighting schedule !
okay i did all that immediatley after u posted. still nothing took the seed out of hte pod. its still stuck at where it is. i dont know what to do. maybe it died? i dont know. someone help asap
nawww . stored some in the freezer :P too many people come over, i guess someone opened it and thought like wtf, why are there seeds with a drying thingy (one of those packets that they put in food or shoes that keep things dry) and they threw it out :*( so nope :*( im fuckedd . gotta wait to randomly find a dealer who has natura growing outdoor stuff :*( and hope to find bag seed lol
hey you know all them advertisement all around the pages of this website why dont you click on one of them see the roll it up logo move your cursur a little to the right of the logo ok now move the cursur like one and a half inches up ok there should be an icon that says SEEDS now left click and buy some fuckin seed already . ps dont get indoor mix . it just most some crappy sativas they call nirvana special