this right??

alright i picked up some of nirvanas bubblicious and they been germinating for just over 48 hours (damp paper towel in jar mathod) and now im not sure if this is right cause i'ver germed before and it hasnt looked like this. Instead of having like a root sprout from the seed, its almost as if the seed is splitting open, revealing the white root curled up inside the seed.

does anyone know whats going on, or if this is alright? if there is a problem, any idea how i could have screwed it up or would it be a problem with the seeds, which i doubt. also if this isnt proper is there anything i can do, or are the seeds just garbage now????

any help is appreciated!!


Well-Known Member
i agree with BB.. just give them time n see what happens.. btw i just harvested bubblelicious from Nirvana n the smoke is OK, gets ya really stoned..goodluck


Active Member
yeah dude thats how the tap root gets out of the seed. If you open up a mature seed you'll see an already formed tap root. the seed splits and the root and plant begin to grow. do stress you have 3 or so days before its critical to go into another medium. but next time you shouldn't put it in a jar you should leave it on a plate or something if possible put something like a warming pad or heat blanket underneth it with plenty of air but you also want it to be dark like a closet so the root don't get any uv rays