Germinating seeds


Active Member
I a noob and not sure what is coming out the seed first. At first i thought it was the root being some white and i broke some of it trying to direct downwards, now i`m thinking it the stem. The plants will not be f`ed up will they? I was only doing because of all this talk of roots growing upwards in the aerogarden.


Active Member
Thanks for the speedy response. I just hope i can save them after damaging them. They were really stiff. I just tried bending them to out of a bend. Still waiting for the finnally seed out of three to crack.


Well-Known Member
hope u didnt kill them. once root is 2 inches and leaves are visible (sometimes) thats when i throw them in soil and set em outside and in a few days my babies sprout. put root 2-4 inches below the soil depending on how long root is. (top most part of germinated seed 2-4 inches from soil top)