

Well-Known Member
soak them in water over night, when you see that the outer shells of the seeds have split gently bury them about a knuckle deep into your soil/medium


New Member
Well, if you think about it clones starting to grow by themselves, develop a root system. That is the exact definition of germination. To begin to grow or develop.


Well-Known Member
Well, if you think about it clones starting to grow by themselves, develop a root system. That is the exact definition of germination. To begin to grow or develop.
Germination relates to the process of developing an embryonic organism, such as a seed, spore, or bulb, into a new plant or individual.

Clones are not individuals. Clones are a product of vegetative multiplication. When a full root has formed and leaves begin to sprout anew, the clone is a self-sufficient plant, genetically identical to the mother plant.


New Member
germinate - Definitions from - Im not seeing that here...

Well if you want to get that technical clones are named wrong, they are splices, they are just the same plant living its life. Not a "Clone" Genetics of plants tend to deteriorate over a long time of cloning, so no they are not exactly identical to the mother, soil,ph,nutes,temp, etc.... These things all determine the outcome and overall genetics of a plant, this is why i personally think that PH nute lockouts should be recised to be much more percise. Think about different strains any why they are different. They all had their own particular enviroment, nutrients, light, ph. All play a big roll in the genetics of a plant. One thing that usually if not always has a baseline is the tempurature and humidity that the plant is in, nearly all plants need the smae temp and hum range, where as light should not be correlated with temp and whathave you. But infact spectrums and amounts of light should be looked at in a more scientific manner than blue red.... I mean in all reality i have read all of the grow faq and many others online that are similar, but none of them seem to help anyone perfectly. Just my two cents.
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New Member
Wow, i got negitive rep from that one.... Some close minded assholes on here sometimes ill tell ya. Have an imagination rep giver, i wasnt misinforming, but only throwing my thoughts on the whole process. And educate myself hold on im going to quote myself

"I mean in all reality i have read all of the grow faq and many others online that are similar, but none of them seem to help anyone perfectly. Just my two cents."



Well-Known Member
haha did anyone else notice that OP disappeared from the thread after the first response?
this has to be a joke!



Well-Known Member
hahaha.. best thing is, this is not the first time ive seen this question asked here. talk about smokin yourself retarded...:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
I know you just slipped up on your words, man. But "germinating clones." that's fuckin funny.lmao. :lol:

Best of luck on your clones. Just keep em water plenty of light. they'll grow fine. ... germinating clones. pssh. :-P

- :leaf: