Germination Problems / Questions


Hey everyone,

Was wondering if anyone had experience with Brainstorm (Fem.), from

I'm germinating and it's been too long. One seed showed taproot, but then after two days, showed no progress, and actually got mushy/slimy, taproot fell off. I'm assuming that one is def. rotted.

Another that was with it however has turned a dark brown almost black color. I want to assume that this one has also rotted????

At this point I have a best case scenario of 80% germ rate. Unacceptable for Fem or not????

Using paper towels in sandwich bag sitting in window sill for germ. Any considerably better methods????

The 5 free Afghani included in the order did not successfully germ either. I never had an issue with previous grows. I don't know if I'm messing something up and got lucky before, or if brainstorm seeds require anything special????

Any insight into this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


Well-Known Member
What do you plan on growing in? My method is to get those plastic party cups and punch holes in the bottom, fill with soil, poke a hole about an inch deep and drop your seed in. Lightly cover with soil and wet the soil until its mostly damp. Next get some plastic wrap and put it over the top and secure with rubber band. Put in a dark warm place and that should do it. Make sure your soil stays damp until them pop and as soon as you see them popping up you wanna take the plastic wrap off and get under light very soon. Remember it can take from 1 to 20 days for seeds to germ. Hope this helps.....


I will be using soil. Thanks for the input. If I need to use more seeds, I'll give your method a shot. Thanks for the input.