germination question

Hello, was just wondering if I could germinate seeds in a typical germination dome (plastic casing over seedlings in a pot) under my grow lamp?, it's a dual spectrum 250watt lamp.


Well-Known Member
yes you can germinate seeds in total darkness if need be. the seeds are drawn by gravity...root down coty up/ but once coty break surface lights a must and the 250 should work out great
Thank you so much!, I was kind of confused because I read a guide online written by someone who said that they "put them in a glass filled with mineral water for 24 hours in a warm place that's dark" and then he later "put them under a cfl light for 18 hours", he kind of done it in two stages which is really confusing because I don't understand wether the green is a type of plant which can be germinated regardless of light or not or wether it is like forest plants where they need light and won't sprout until they've had light.


Well-Known Member
cool! i think the author of the guide was talking about soaking seeds. it helps to dunk them in water for 12 hours or so. they activate and "open" up. its a quicker way to germinate thats for sure. but the seeds will germinate in dark and only needlight once the coty break ground. good luck!!
man when i started out i used a shot glass with disani drinking water thats r/o and has minerals then put seeds in it and a cup over it in total darkness and soaked over night and usually most will sink or be sinking. then ive went so far as to put them in a big clear ice cream bucket with holes in lid and bottom and put em about 1/4" in soil medium sprayed dirt and lid good put it in and even used a small snap on tools florescent drop light to germ mine and after 26 plants been 100% effective. then i transplant after a few weeks and sprays to my final medium. they are very resiliant plant even at this stage so much that they dont even need anything but maybe a light misting till the first little round leaves start to yellow and fall off!