Germination worries


Well-Known Member
I soaked my seeds last Friday for 24 hours. Transferred them to a damp cloth for 2 days and they had all popped with little tails (one had a half inch tail). I then put them in jiffy pellets in a humidity dome and added light and a heat mat. The one is 2" tall already and the others havent even poked thru the soil. Am I worrying about nothing? Not really sure how many days it takes. The one poked thru in a matter of hours.



New Member
I had that happen also. I went from growing indica mostly to buying 6 easyryder automatic seeds. I germed two in a ziplock with a wet paper towel then moved to cubes. After a week still no signs. I put the other four seeds in a cup of water for 24 like you did and transferred to a wet paper towel ziplock. The first two never did shit but the last 4 are a week in to propagation and are doing fine. I wondered about why the 2 did differently than the 4 since they all had the same ride into life. I think its the cubes and pellets. When I put directly into soil they do fine but when I used the cubes they die. I think I am going to stick with the tried and true method and keep going directly into soil.
Everything that had popped should show up withing or around one week. Anything after that man and I think it's dead. My rates are like 1-3 days for a seed to pop, plant in cup just BARELY under the soil, and things sprout out within a few days. I do however believe in maybe even part of the seed just barely showing because I like to make sure even my weakest of seeds can break that layer and out of it's shell casing.


Well-Known Member
I couldn't resist.......I dug around and found them way too deep in the pellets! Like a quarter inch from the bottom. Not sure what happened. I know they were not that deep when I placed them in the holes. Not much growth either. So I replanted them. Hopefully they take off.


Well-Known Member
u could go to a larger party cup in soil as well, from their i go to 5 gal. pots. just to keep the movement to a minimum. some strains dont like repotting. ur way is fine and ur doing good. ive waited 48 hrs, imo if they havent popped by then i shit can um. i buy feminized seed for strain variation so some are not cheap so it kills me to give up on them

Po boy

Well-Known Member
i always sow seeds directly into the finishing pot. less chance of problems through multiple handling. seeds only need to be sowed about one eighth of an inch. GL


Well-Known Member
Not sure how they got that deep. Hopefully they will resume sprouting after I dug them out and replanted. If not.......guess I learned something.