

Active Member
i've been germinating marijuana seeds for quite some time now, and never really faced any problems til now. Im going into the 3rd day of germination using widowmakers method, should I close the jar with a lid, or should I leave it open?



What is the widowmakers method. I'm relatively new and am having trouble germinating altogether. It's only some Reggie seed but I thought what the hell. Any tips? I'm currently trying to do the paper towel method. But have only had a few crack. Please and thanks.


One sprouted a little like 1/2" tail. So I planted it in a tiny cup of soil and water and waited. I checked like 12 hours later and it had already broken the top of the soil. So I immediately started vegetating it under 24 hours light. Or should I do 18?


Ok, so I seem to be missing a step somewhere. I put the seeds in water and when they crack I move them to soil and when they sprout I give them light. My temps and humidity are all slot on. Idk how to keep them alive.