

how long does it normally take to germinate a seed? put one in germination cakes for like 6 days nothing happened then i wrapped it in moist paper towel and like two weeks later it finally germinated... i got 5 more seeds whats the best way to germinate...


Active Member
Personally, I use the paper towel method. I've also tried soaking in water for 24 hours, which worked too.


Well-Known Member
If you'r having trouble the EASIEST way to go is to put seed starting mix in a pot, water it down, let excess water run off and put the seed on top.
Then sprinkle a tiny bit of soil above it, just so its not visible.

Spray with a fine sprayer lightly when things look dry.

From there you can go as complicated as you wish. It might speed things up, but you'll have more stuff you could mess.

Some seeds take up to a month (or more!) to crack. Like Tom Hill's Haze.
Most seeds pop after 48 hours or so.


Active Member
From there you can go as complicated as you wish. It might speed things up, but you'll have more stuff you could mess.
I do agree that the less you actually handle the seed, the better chances you'll have. I've had minimal success with just putting seed directly in soil but then again I was working with unproperly stored, old bagseed.


New Member
I always germinate straight in soil. There definitely seems to be far more hermie issues etc with seeds germinated in paper towels and in my opinion it is because some people are actually damaging those fine hairs on the roots. (just an opinion)


Well-Known Member
Using a SEED STARTING MIX or lightly fertilized soil I made got me great results.
Some methods were faster and gave me slightly better results but it requier much more work.

I like using Jiffy pellets, its peat in a mash. Its like a seed starting mix in a pot that expands in water.
While its not really any better than peat in a pot its easier to handle.

Oh, and one important thing. Once you place your seed in soil \ soil-less NEVER DIG IT UP to see how it goes.
I've killed a Jilly Bean sprout this way on my last run. STUPID.


Active Member
McFonz, do you recommend a specific brand of seed starting mix? Like I said, I agree that the less handled the seeds are the better and would much rather throw them in the dirt, it seems more natural that way to me.


Well-Known Member
I don't know any US brands, they aren't available around here.
Thats why I use jiffys or make my own mix for seedlings.

They all should be pretty much the same.


Active Member
Jiffys are good and cheap and come with humidity domes and are found everwhere, but if you can get to a hydro shop go for hydrofarms jumpstart pellets wich are coconut which is better than peat (jiffys)


Everyone you ask will have a different method and of coarse their method will be championed as the best but what is best for someone else may not be best for you. Just about every method people have mentioned will work it really comes down to your own personal prefeence and confidence.

I've always done it on a paper towel inside a ziplock bag with a heating pad on low in a dark place...but that's just what I'm comfortable/confident with. I've also just dropped them 1/4" down in soil too which also worked. This last time I soaked them for 48 hours them put them into the soil. They all worked.

If I was nervous I would simply pick the one that seemed to give people the most positive results.


New Member
Everyone you ask will have a different method and of coarse their method will be championed as the best but what is best for someone else may not be best for you. Just about every method people have mentioned will work it really comes down to your own personal prefeence and confidence.
Will second that, very good points


Well-Known Member
Everyone you ask will have a different method and of coarse their method will be championed as the best but what is best for someone else may not be best for you. Just about every method people have mentioned will work it really comes down to your own personal prefeence and confidence.

I've always done it on a paper towel inside a ziplock bag with a heating pad on low in a dark place...but that's just what I'm comfortable/confident with. I've also just dropped them 1/4" down in soil too which also worked. This last time I soaked them for 48 hours them put them into the soil. They all worked.

If I was nervous I would simply pick the one that seemed to give people the most positive results.
Indeed, but I would start with the most foolproof method to start with.