Germs can see us?

i just went into a proper deep think lol, you know when you sneeze, do you reckon the germs that come flying out of your mouth/nose, do you reckon they can see where they are going? like have mini eyes or something? same with our skin cells, do you reckon they can see? like the same way as us, but at a different angle? but like, doesn't make a responce telling our brain that they can see.. so basically they are seeing, but we are clueless about it..
sorry, proper baked haha


Well-Known Member
well you gotta think that we're basically built up of germs working together to give us senses...

so in the same respect that we see them, no they can't see us. they communicate through chemicals and other means that we likely don't understand yet.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
so i was online the other day talking with a bunch of weed heads and this guy named gotmunchies was all like, "dude, can germs see us?" and i was like, "woah, what if they can?". lol sorry i'm blitzed to shit and this thread is fucking classic. i seriously lol'd for a good 3 minutes straight. thank you for this.