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Active Member
so i was just ponderinng the thought that suppose you take a nice rip out of, whatever u wanna toke out of, and exhale out through your nose. would doing this get more thc thru the capillaries in your nasal cavity, getting you stoned quicker??? just a thought:eyesmoke:bongsmilie:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
i exhale out my nose all the time. sometimes i do find that exhaling that way gives a better high. and i havent lost any sense of smell, my senses are very very keen :) if anything weed makes my sense even better.

edit* tip top toker, do you happen to know of any links that would talk about loss of sense of smell? i was just trying a quick google search but i didnt find anything, im interested to see how that works, because if it can hurt my sense of smell obviously i wont do it anymore lol. so do you know where i can find info on that? thanks :)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member

just a random link, havn't actually read it properly, but it briefly points out that heavy smoking will effect taste and smell. your nose is designed to remove dirrt from air, it's filtering is that good, so think what happens when you blow tar laden smoke through the filter of hairs.

i can't really say if it really does do that much damage or not, but i'm not gonna risk something like my sense of smell all on a why not.


Well-Known Member
We agree it gets you higher, But it can not be good for your sense of smell. It covers your receptors with "tar" making less receptors available for use.

Sr. Verde

We agree it gets you higher, But it can not be good for your sense of smell. It covers your receptors with "tar" making less receptors available for use.

Lol but what about a VOLCANO??

Hell yeah I'm going to do this now

Yet another advantage of vaporizing :)


Well-Known Member
just did it right know with a vape and could instantly feel the difference in my nose. Definitely can't smell as well either.


Well-Known Member
wow, i didnt know that at all. im the most backward person on the planet though. so if something is going to hurt most people's sense of smell, chances are it will improve mine. that type of thing has been happening to me my whole life, people will tell me one thing and my body does the complete opposite. one more question for me to answer i guess...thank god i love science hahahahaha

Sr. Verde

I just did that outta the volcano... through the nose?

god damn. it totally does.

I can still smell also