Getting A grow lic...


Well-Known Member
Has anyone ever tried to get A grow lic.? I was looking at trying to obtain mine but just worried about the fed's!!!:fire:


Well-Known Member
I am scared to try for it... I know that the state I live in issues them just the whole fed thing is what I am parranoid about!


Active Member
By "grow license" I assume your talking about a medical card right? If you get a medical card and stay within your state/county limit on plants you should have nothing to worry about.

The Feds are more interested in busting people that grow a lot of plants for profit. As long as you don't tell anyone your growing and do all the usual things to keep your grow op discreet you should be fine.


Well-Known Member
But if u got the card they know what u are up to! It maybe is my paranoya kicking in but it still has me A little scared...