Getting along well with others! Or not.


Well-Known Member
So I got a question for everyone. Do you ever have any trouble fitting in with others in the other online cannabis forums specifically? Of all the cannabis forums, I find RIU to be the most user friendly specifically for me. Although I have many accounts on the other forums my experience on those forums has been peculiar. In some cases you can figure out real quick who the major users are and what is acceptable practice by them and their community. In other cases I have been thrown off the site for whatever reason. The thing that stands out for me is that all of us are just about the same user group so why does one forum work so much differently than the other and why is there such a huge swing in the vibe? Now I am not talking about your normal day to day routines by newbies and the posters that like to journal and trade shit. I am specifically talking about the people that interact with your posts or the comments that you make and then wallah......shit somehow happens. It's very perplexing. My partner noticed the exact same thing but longer ago than me, except my partner does not participate on RIU because of the bad vibe here or whatever it isvanilla velvet 4.jpg. It truly is weird to me.
No what you are seeing is common to all internet forums.
I have been on them since they started, it is part of human nature. A little like high school all over again.
Have met several on line in person over the years and all was fine. Like real life there are those you would hang out with and other you would not piss on if they were on fire.
RIU is a little more sedate most likely the pot helps but users go off the rails and get banned all part of life.
So I got a question for everyone. Do you ever have any trouble fitting in with others in the other online cannabis forums specifically? Of all the cannabis forums, I find RIU to be the most user friendly specifically for me. Although I have many accounts on the other forums my experience on those forums has been peculiar. In some cases you can figure out real quick who the major users are and what is acceptable practice by them and their community. In other cases I have been thrown off the site for whatever reason. The thing that stands out for me is that all of us are just about the same user group so why does one forum work so much differently than the other and why is there such a huge swing in the vibe? Now I am not talking about your normal day to day routines by newbies and the posters that like to journal and trade shit. I am specifically talking about the people that interact with your posts or the comments that you make and then wallah......shit somehow happens. It's very perplexing. My partner noticed the exact same thing but longer ago than me, except my partner does not participate on RIU because of the bad vibe here or whatever it isView attachment 5424984. It truly is weird to me.
I don’t care about being on their nanny sites, I don’t want some moderator chewing on my ass because I hurt some pansies feelings. I like it here where everyone is considerate of others feelings and zololf is our friend.

If anyone has any feelings their encouraged to check them, and leave them in the nobbie section.