Getting autos to them to stretch?

GreenBean 420

Well-Known Member
Running 3 different autos and the node spacing and everything is VERY tight lol.

They’re about to hit 21 days.
I have the 400 watts of light 38in from the canopy and dialed to 80%. Around 375 PAR. They can’t handle any more light than that currently

My question is, If I dial the lights back more will it get them to stretch out a bit? OR simply just slow the growth.

I’m not sure how much they will stretch going into flower etc so just curious what others would do

All Indica dominant strains so I get that they’ll be pretty squat and bushy but just checking my options early...

I can toss up a current photo when I get home too


Well-Known Member
Man... I haven’t heard many people wanting them to stretch. It’s always the opposite. Not sure what light cycle you are running but you can make your Dark Time longer and it will make them stretch out more. Those things will at least double In height during flowering.

GreenBean 420

Well-Known Member
Haha ok thanks man. Yeah I was just planning 6 autos in the 4x4 and currently only have 3. I use to have a 2x2x4 and now I’m in a 4x4 and just excited about all the room I think :mrgreen: