Getting back into gaming

Not sure if anyone said this yet but try DayZ.

Its a mod for Arma II. You gotta buy Arma II: Combined Operations which is Arma II and Arma II: Operation Arrorhead. Look it up. Its an experience that is very fresh and new. I spent a hell of alot of time playing DayZ just for the simple fact it is a new idea in the gaming industry...Very unique gaming experience.
Not sure if anyone said this yet but try DayZ.

Its a mod for Arma II. You gotta buy Arma II: Combined Operations which is Arma II and Arma II: Operation Arrorhead. Look it up. Its an experience that is very fresh and new. I spent a hell of alot of time playing DayZ just for the simple fact it is a new idea in the gaming industry...Very unique gaming experience.
blah dayz got old quick
Fallout 3. Best game ever made.

I think I put about 70 hours into Fallout 3... I've gotta head back there sometime, and clear a few more missions off. I gave my sister a copy about a year ago now, and it's still her most played game. I reckon she's put around 200 hours, if not more, into that. Seriously immersive, and after spending a good few weeks with Skyrim, I gotta say, Fallout 3 still kicks the living daylights outa Skyrim.
Skyrim was cool, but i think the boss fights were a lil too easy~

did anyone go with living in the hotel route (if you chose to blow up the town w/ the left over A-bomb)? felt bad for the zombie looking chick outside after the explosion.
overall F3 was fun, good replay value too
I think I put about 70 hours into Fallout 3... I've gotta head back there sometime, and clear a few more missions off. I gave my sister a copy about a year ago now, and it's still her most played game. I reckon she's put around 200 hours, if not more, into that. Seriously immersive, and after spending a good few weeks with Skyrim, I gotta say, Fallout 3 still kicks the living daylights outa Skyrim.

Couldn't have said it better.
Nobody's mentioned Portal 2 yet?

For someone trying to find a way back into gaming, this is beautiful. No time limits, no bad guys running after you n gunnin you down. Just heavy duty puzzles with nothing but the aid of the sexiest 'weapon' in videogames... The portal gun.