Getting completely bombed gives me dyslexia


Active Member
Hey dudies and dudettes. If I get stoned a lot all day and try to read stuff (computer screen especially) and I'm fairly tired and really zoned-out type of stoned. At this point I'll try to read and for about two seconds, my vision will be clear. Then suddenly letters become impossible to focus on, untill I look away for a second and refocus my eyes.

I think what it is is one of my eyes like starts to bounce back and forth between a lazy state and back to normal. You know like looking off to the side and shit? I normally have the uncanny ability to do this with my eyes at my own volition. I look like a reverse cross eyed bastard and see double vision. But I lose control of my powers from too much weed.

So yeah, it's kind of fun but I realized it would suck to have dyslexia all the time.