Getting Excitted


Well-Known Member
My first Hydrogrow is going beautifully. I now have 22 guys have I have raised from seed and they are all looking strong(I will post pics later today) I am using a 4x4 flood table under a 1000w hps and I am growing in 4 inch rockwell cubes. The roots have grown out of the blocks and are forming a thick carpet on the bottom of the cubes do you think transpanting them onto rockwool slabs would be a good idea if so I would probably wait the 2 weeks till I know the sex before. I am growing a mix of NLxSkunk and g13xbudda with a hindu kush thrown in. I have noticed 2 of the g13xbudda's seem to be getting a light nute burn while the rest of the plants seem to be growing extremely fast should I lower the nutes for the two that are having problems or just keep on as planed and hope they learn to suck it up (or find out their male). I love hydro and I can't imagine going back to soil