Getting out of breeding. This years beans are in and will be the last batch.


Well-Known Member
I ran a super large seed batch this year.
The genetics are from my 40 years of a strain of Afgan hash plant brought to me by a buddy in the service.
uncrossed versions of the original afgan amount.
New this year- a mix of these afgan genes with Masonic seeds -Bompton Berry and also White thaiger.
I also have Bompton to bompton
and thaiger to thaiger.
pm me


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ive replied to someone so far.... here's the scoop,
depending on mail cost { i've never put seeds into the public before}....what i would like, is to give you the seeds and then after you do what you do... send me a thank you of a few bucks.
I'm gonna try the honor system and see what happens. all i need is an address and some honesty
The original Afgan Genes are inbred to the point where you never know what's gonna' happen. i get some that are more sat. and some more that are ind. some turn into foxtails and others just grow odd... ive tried to keep the best of the best but it's to the point where i have one mother left for clones. the only seeds of the old genes i have are from last year. I felt the need to invigorate the old genes and found that the masonic cross of bompton berry and white thaiger were from his breeding male called wilson, Wilson happened to be an afgan strain so i crossed these 2 into my gene pool.... i won't know for sure until i grow these babies out. I also made a bompton to bompton and thaiger to thaiger seed batch. I am giving them out until the extras are gone.
When you grow them out -and if you are happy.... send me a note and ill give you a paypal or some other way.. ok? A few stamps to make someone happy is no big deal .... just don't forget to tell me what you think and how you did...
That was nice to read, very generous of you and good spirt of brotherhood shown. Good man, the world would be a much better place if more people were like this in many different areas of life. Hope the good karma sends back the fruits of your generosity many times over. Be blessed man.
I like this thread . Now that it’s legal where I’m at I’ve been thinking it’d be cool pheno hunt large numbers with like minded individuals who are not in it for the money.
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