Getting ready to switch to 12's ..Is this a solid plan?


Well-Known Member
I have been reading and reading and OH GOD my head might explode. So after long hours reading every pertinant post and wadig through all the BS out there I have come across on my flowering plan/

Ok I have been in veg nearly 2 months with

GHS Super Lemon Haze ,

Big Buddah Cheese,

GHS Super Silver Haze

White Diesel ( i think this one could be iffy)

Soil grow under 1000 HPS Horti Super ( batwing)
Grow room panda walled 6 x 9 x 7 ft tall
Been using excelofizz Co2 tablets for last week (huge improvment)
FoxFarms Ocean Forrest Soil (20% perlite added)
-Veg Nutes-
Fox Farms Grow Big
Fox Farms BIg Bloom

Getting ready to to switch to 12's on the 20th.

Just flushed all girls:

Tap water PPM - 95
Starting run off PPM -1350
Flushed aprox 15 gal until run off PPM was average 125-150 ppm

Will wait 3 days and start bloom nutes

Sensi A+B
Rhino Skin
BudBlood *will probably wait till next week when they make the switch to 12's for Bud Blood, But they have been veging A Long time and Bud Blood should slow down Vert growth. These are Hazes after all. your .02 would be apreciated.
Grow Big( very light feed)
Was planning on giving them a light feeding 6-800 PPm for first Blast of bloom nutes then take clones and flip em on the 20th.

WHat do you guys think of this plan? To strong on first nutes?

Any advise? recomendations?

thanks for checking it out smoke on



Well-Known Member
sounds like your on the right track never used those nutes specifically but i would stay on the light side of ppm and your plants will tell you the rest!!


Active Member
That's quite a bit of nutes and different kinds you are using however if your ladies like it then keep given it to them. They'll let you know if they are pissed about what you're giving them.


Well-Known Member
I was expecting them to be a little pissed today because of the flush. I let them get real dry poor things looked like spinach. The only thing I am concerned right now is the were in a medium with ppm of 1200 - 1350. Now PPm is 120-150's. I know I will need to let em go a few days after today's watering. What do you guys think I will see going from that high of a PPm then down to almost nuetral. SO far 6 hours after flush they are all standing straight up to the light looking vibrant s always.

And what do you guys think about bud blood should I go ahead and give it to em a week before flower to slow down vert growth.

Thanks again for the views and posts...


Well-Known Member
Isnt Fox Farms BIg Bloom a bloom nutrient? Why would you need that during veg growth?

If your gonna grow in soil, start off in a small pot & pot up, this way you don't have to give your plants nutes, as they receive new soil @ each pot up. In final pot look for roots @ drainage.When they are there it means you have established the best possible root-ball you could in a pot. This will make the flowering better & the yield higher. When you go 12/12 you can start feeding nutes. Dont faff about with all those labels , find a good organic nutrient like Bio Bizz(some epsom salts on week 3 of flower) or better still Plant Magic Oldtimers Veg & Bloom (dont need epsoms with this stuff, its the most dialed in nutrient for soil there is) & kick back with the easiest grow ever.
Phing your water in soil is unnecessary unless you have to ph up, If you pH down, never below 6.5, but you don't have to, soil is a great buffer. Also flushing is waste of time too, it doesn't remove nutrients from the plant or the soil. Less is always more, let the new growth on the plant tell you what it needs rather than some lable on a bottle. It sounds hard but is quite easy when you get the hang of it.

LOL a hell of a lot cheaper my way too, bio bizz grow & bloom £20. FOx farms Big Bloom is £25 all by itself!!!


Active Member
Big bloom is recommended by fox farms to use in combination with grow big in the veg stage. They also say it helps with transplant shock, and helps deal with root salts buildup.


Well-Known Member
They are in there 3rd pot (5 gal) I absolutly love the plastic disposable / bag type pots. So easy to use and if you need to stake or LST you can push a bamboo stake right in the side to tye off to. These pots would be an LST'r dream


Active Member
Dude take some of this in stride.If folks have the room your way better off to stick in big pot early many do.And bloom nutes can be helpfull 1 week befor flower.But never feed befor 3 weeks after potting or repotong.If they have been in the pots 2 months now.1/2 strength would accelerate flower just fine


Well-Known Member
I was told that they would be better off in smaller pots, The reason I was told ( by my hydro store guy) That put them in a smaller pot until you see roots then transplant. What happens is the tap root will seek the bottom and once it does it tells the rest of the plant how big to grow. So in short if you transplant ( I did 3 times pint, 2 gal , then 5 gal) into a sma;;er tub the tap root tells the plant Ok NOW VEG