Getting Rid of the males


This is my first grow. I started inside in april since i live in upstate new york, and in june i moved my plants outside. My question is when do i get rid of the males? My plants have been showing signs of preflower for a lil while now, and i have a few plants that im not to sure on , I mean out of all my plants i got 7 female, and i have a few im just not sure on, they dont look like my females but they also dont look like my males, but when should i get rid of the males? like when can they start pollinating the females?


Well-Known Member
the males wont start pollinating for a lil bit you'll be able to tell if its a male before it starts pollinating just dont mess with the balls or it'll release the pollen


ok thanks, now can the females get pollinated during preflower? and the balls on my male plants are alot smaller then in that picture ill try and get a pic 2maro


Well-Known Member
If you are not going to use the males for anything get rid of them immediately
Agreed. If you don't want seeds, remove/destroy males as soon as they are identified.

Be sure to put the male in a plastic bag or such. I've seen large discarded males pop a few flowers after being cut down.

It only takes a few...

All plants should be showing sex by August 1st. If not, look for a nocturnal light source, like a porch light or street light.