Getting too tall


Could some one answer my question is there a law on how big I could have my plants or is there a size limit on it my plant is about 8ft tall just wondering if I have to cover or just tie them down there taller then my fence could some one help me out thanks


Well-Known Member
Could some one answer my question is there a law on how big I could have my plants or is there a size limit on it my plant is about 8ft tall just wondering if I have to cover or just tie them down there taller then my fence could some one help me out thanks
In most states anything over 24" is too big.


Well-Known Member
Just put cheap tent stakes in and start tying branches down. Not only will it make it less visible but it will increase your yeild... Though it is a bit late for that.


Well-Known Member
Could some one answer my question is there a law on how big I could have my plants or is there a size limit on it my plant is about 8ft tall just wondering if I have to cover or just tie them down there taller then my fence could some one help me out thanks
Wow, not often one hears complaints about too big LOL


Thanks again I have my baby tied down already and I was asking cause didn't want the 50 to come to the house and tell me anything about my plants so I was just being on the safe side better to know then being sorry thanks


Tie em down defo.. increases yield and if they stick up too much the will be recognised by ppl u don't want seeing them