getting worried


i am worried about the drooping of the first true leaves. Is it over watering? Also there is a little bit of the lightest shade of brown on the northern most leaf. Is it nute burn? The seedling sprouted on the 18th since then ive watered it maybe 4 times. And because of the yellow on the flat leaves i added the smallest amount of nute. The flat leaves r completely yellow now and drooping as well. I think thats bc they die off tho. Help please before it gets past the point i cant save my baby. its the only one i have.IMG_20110801_102900.jpgIMG_20110801_102916.jpgIMG_20110801_102835.jpg


Active Member
its fine dont worry about it and id stay off the nutes for a few weeks at least, if you burn them it will affect the growth so be patient.


Active Member
The 2 flat leaves yellow and fall off in the beginning, that's pretty normal.

Not sure on your other problem, I'd lay off the nutes for a week or two and see what happens, then start back slowly on them. Or just cut back on them, like to 1/4 strength for a bit, if you've been using them at full strength.

Edit: Reread and it says the smallest amount of nutes, so not really sure on the other problem. Make sure you're reading your instructions correctly. A small amount of some nutes is still a lot.