GH WW and Blue Cheese in 12/12 are yellowing rapidly / pls have a look


Medium: 5l plagron Bat Mix
Watering: RO water
Light: 250W CMH
Age: 30 days

They started yellowing like a week ago in N deficiency style, but the ph is fine and plagron bat mix shouldn't be fed till 6th week. I check the ph every time and adjust to 6.8 if its needed. I watered them with Bio Bizz Bio-Grow 0,5ml/l 2 days ago but they r still yellowing. I dont have an idea what it could be cos the soil is good quality, the ph is fine and i also gave them extra nutes.

Group pic

GH WW #1 (bottom right)

GH WW #2 (top left)

Blue Cheese (top right)


I was thinking about that either but they got only plain ro water in the first 4 weeks so i dont know what could couse nute lock out in this case


I'm also planning to water them in a hour and im in dilemma to give them Bio-grow 0,5ml/l again or flush them or just plain ro water.


Well-Known Member
All my plants seem to shed lower leaves right at the foot of the plant , it's not un-normal ,
i usually cut away that lower growth anyway , i find it wont produce much anyway and the plant benefits from the air-flow around the base and soil/medium, good luck Umbre..
Mj plants can quite often shed/wilt/yellow off on leaves it no longer needs or can no longer feed imo..


All my plants seem to shed lower leaves right at the foot of the plant , it's not un-normal ,
i usually cut away that lower growth anyway , i find it wont produce much anyway and the plant benefits from the air-flow around the base and soil/medium, good luck Umbre..
Mj plants can quite often shed/wilt/yellow off on leaves it no longer needs or can no longer feed imo..
I would be happy if thats happening but if you check on WW #2 (top right plant) upper leafs started yellowing too or u say its normal?


Well-Known Member
Not sure what else to suggest ,
nute lock out - no nutes added ,
nitrogen deff (yellowing) - using guano should be ok
It does not look serious , maybe they are asking for nutes ? , but like i say , in that medium , week 4 , they should be ok....


Well-Known Member
My G-Bomb , week 4 , grown in Rockwool/Hydroleca , nutes added twice 12/12 , once a week in veg , vegged 4 weeks......

DSC00010.jpgDSC00009.jpgDSC00008.jpgi have yellowing also , added extra dose terra flores for N def , no change also , buds are healthy , no other issues......


You're on the right track recognizing N def, now give it what it's asking for. Find a fert with more N like Jacks 30-10-10 or 20-20-20 and watch it green up like a champ in 5-7 days.


My G-Bomb , week 4 , grown in Rockwool/Hydroleca , nutes added twice 12/12 , once a week in veg , vegged 4 weeks......

i have yellowing also , added extra dose terra flores for N def , no change also , buds are healthy , no other issues......
So your plants are 8 weeks old in total right? Cos i see some decent buds there. I wouldn't be worried either if i have these buds and some yellowing but my plants are 4 weeks old in total and they are getting 12/12 from seeds and my buds are just popping out.

Since i asked about it on the web im getting more and more confused cos some say its ok, others N def, Mg def, salt buildup, etc,etc,etc.

They still got 3-4weeks left and if the yellowing continues at this speed i wont have anything but 3 branches with tiny buds for 1 joint.


Well-Known Member
Yeah *8 weeks in total , i have never grown 12/12 from seed so maybe it has something to do with accelerated growth , i do not really know , but i do know that some yellowing will occur on maturing plants naturally and people often over do it and do more harm than good after taking advice and getting confused , there are things you can do ie, N deff , Mag , add guano etc , i normally work with my strains , get to know them well , learn what they need and let them go , sorry not more help...