ghetto newby veging help

hey guys :mrgreen: just cleared my little drying cupboard in my flat for a little grow , but could use some help . can anyone in the tell me where to buy these in the uk in a store i dnt really trust ebay tbh lol and what temps and any cheap cfl's i could use for veging this is my first grow so dnt really have a clue lolol have done a bit of research but dont really trust myself haha any help on how to do it on the cheap with good results in yeild terms would be helpfull :peace:
thats the problem really cant find them anywhere and dont actually know the corect term for them tbh haha thanks anyways mate . anyone else thereeeee



Or if you are anywhere near London I highly suggest checking the store out in person I was there last week and have been back since. Just take the train to Clapham Junction and then Imperial Wharf which is one stop from CJ. They guy running it is really helpful and prices are pretty good in my rookie opinion. A 125 watt (cool or warm) eco-light is 21 pound and the hanger is 9. Also has a decent selection of seeds. For better directions look it up on google maps. Good luck man!