Ghosts and Ghoulies

Do Ghosts Exist?

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New Member
This is a poll, also an opportunity for people to share their ghost stories... just like kiddies over a campfire.

Also an opportunity for me to argue why they don't exist should the need arise.


Well-Known Member
Damn skunkish I'm the only voter and I don't know and don't care until one fucks with me, so sorry no arguments with me.


New Member
Aside from eastlos and TCG being the only (ahem) believers in ghosts, i find myself more interested in preo's indecision... is it the definition of ghost you have a problem with?

eastlos and TCG, how long has mankind walked the earth? This is an important question. I suppose I'm counting neanderthals as well (you may not), shall we say 3, 000, 000 years?

People die and are born all the time... what causes a ghost (apart from over-active imaginations lol)? Someone dying in horrible circumstances perhaps? Usualy what accounts for most so-called hauntings, wouldn't you say?

How many people in 3, 000, 000 years would you say have died in horrible circumstances?

Do you consider there would be enough room for all these ghosts?


Well-Known Member
Aside from eastlos and TCG being the only (ahem) believers in ghosts, i find myself more interested in preo's indecision... is it the definition of ghost you have a problem with?
yeah, thats about it. i have a hard time even imagining what a ghost would actually be. i have seen some weird ass lights in the woods up north tho, that was interesting. not sure what they were, but then again when u find urself stumbing around the woods at 3 in the mornin without flashlights its kinda obvious ur perception is a bit skewed...

the whole idea of poltergeist is ridiculous in my opinion. id really have to witness it first hand to believe it. if our definition is based on that, consider me a non-believer.


New Member
As I don't believe in fancies of the imagination, my only thing to fall back on is logic. This is how I KNOW there are no gods, this is how I KNOW there are no ghosts, vampires or anything else in that cast.

You've got to ask yourself if it's reasonable to believe that ghosts could exist. We are animals, just like the elephant that is intelligent enough to realise death... if elephants do then so too do other animals. They understand death, and will even mourn... with this being the case, how many animals would you consider have died in horrible circumstances? How many animal ghosts have been seen?

CTG and eastlos, is there any chance of you backing up your vote?

Desired User Name

Well-Known Member
^ Good point skunk

I've lived in 4 mining shacks from the 1800's and used outhouses from the same period as well as slept in lots of old military buildings nearby, never saw anything unusual. Also lived in a "haunted" house for 2 years where the previous owners heard a ghost scratching inside the walls at night... turns out the house had rats :neutral:


Well-Known Member
As I don't believe in fancies of the imagination, my only thing to fall back on is logic. This is how I KNOW there are no gods, this is how I KNOW there are no ghosts, vampires or anything else in that cast.

You've got to ask yourself if it's reasonable to believe that ghosts could exist. We are animals, just like the elephant that is intelligent enough to realise death... if elephants do then so too do other animals. They understand death, and will even mourn... with this being the case, how many animals would you consider have died in horrible circumstances? How many animal ghosts have been seen?

CTG and eastlos, is there any chance of you backing up your vote?
skunky, u sly dog. i know what your trying to do here. and ill do my best to not touch the subject--but since i'm here anyways... :)

most paranormal experiences are personal ones. i've never had an experience that cant be explained while others were there to witness it least not that i remember off hand.

so is there a need to talk about it or put it up for scrutiny? not really. because my crazy experiences are just that.. experiences.


Well-Known Member
If there is a ghost world, i bet they have ghost ministers who run the ghost world and tax the ghosts of their ghostly cash


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Desired User Name
What happens when a ghost kills another ghost? Where do the ghost-ghosts go? :shock:
to the ghost slammer wheres theres ghost jail bars that hold em in silly
No, no, no.... I think he was saying where does the ghost's ghost go? Maybe the planet is a flood with ghosts. Us creating them and them creating copies of themselves exponentially! Oh my God I'm scared!

Someone hold me.


Well-Known Member
If so, I have my reasons. I am a sane and logical person. I've seen something I cannot reasonably explain and that's why I cast my vote.
We all see things we cannot explain. The difference between us is that I realize that just because I cannot explain it, does not mean that it is unexplainable. :joint: