Given The Option.


Given the option of using 3 x 400w or 1x1000w HPS which would you chose for this application.

Box dimensions - 6ft tall,4ft deep,6ft wide.
Plants will be lst'd ( hopefuly low and wide)
Heat is not an issue.
Soil in 5 gallon pots.

Both light set ups would be aircooled.

Thank you for your timekiss-ass


Well-Known Member
3 400 watt lights will have better penetration, cause you can put them closer to the leaves without burning, also if you set them up so you have two with overlapping footprints from the ceiling and one which you rotate around the plants vertically, you will have some very nice evenly growing plants.

why the hell would you want all your eggs in the same basket? lights penetrating a canopy from different points= greater light focus on plants (coming from even slightly different directions, light from one source is not focused on your plant, and only provides a narrow angle of light delivery.

besides if your grow room is 6' tall why would you want a minimum of two feet from you plant with a 1000w when you could have three 400ws almost touching the leaves.


Well-Known Member
regardless what any 1000 watters say, having more points of light provides greater choice of positioning,

and whats better than light penetration? a second light that shines right past what the first light is supposed to penetrate.


Well-Known Member
I guess 3 400 would be end to end without much room for adjustment and I think they would draw more power. I'm partial to 2 600s myself more lumens. That's my 2 cents