glad im here


hello people

been having a look about and i like what i see, im gonna do a grow soon so i'll try and get some pics up


Hi Senna,
I'm glad you're here coz I'm new too. I'm gonna finish a grow soon but reckon my IT Moronship or crap camera (phone) precludes pics. Always got summat to say .tho'........just as well,, coz looking around here reminds me that words can be bastards. Notice? Anyways, welcome an good luck with grow hunni.


Well-Known Member
hello people

been having a look about and i like what i see, im gonna do a grow soon so i'll try and get some pics up

Welcome newbie! Glad you're here.

Take some time to look at the FAQs and use the search function.

I've also found it to be easier sometimes to look on more than one forum since there's a LOT of information online.

Some of the best places I've found are:


And there are some other great resources online:

Amsterdam Seeds (something like that)
Big Buds Mag
Urban Grower

Yeah, I like Advanced Nutrients. Can you tell? LOL

And really, Google is your friend when you have questions.

Good luck out there!!


thanks for the welcome motherhugger and advise.

i use canna nutes lol if anyone can tell me of something better in my urdwc i'll be happy to give them a try in the future.


Active Member
hi Senna -

Good advice here.

As for what nutes to use, oh dear, that's a hot topic on any forum. I don't have any experience with Canna, but it might be good for you to post a new thread with your question.

WArning - you're going to get a whole bunch of responses that are going to conflict. Look for people who can offer growing experience, not just those who have crap to say about companies.

Personally, I use Advanced Nutrients, and it works well for me. But check out all the brands so you can make the best decisoin for your growing needs.