Glass Cleaning Frequency


Active Member
Soooooo.....I hate smoking out of a dirty pipe and I end up cleaning it pretty frequently, at least every 2 - 3 weeks. The pipe gets used daily :weed:. How often are you guys and gals cleaning your glass, because personally I think it's a PITA.

But that first smoke after you clean it, well you know :hump:


Well-Known Member
i usally clean it wen i can get a good hit..haha which is every four weeks..cause its a daily hitter!!



Well-Known Member
I clean whenever I change from 1 mason jar to the next. It is an arduous task and takes the better part of an afternoon to clean everything.


Well-Known Member
I clean my bong about once a week. once i see resin start to build at the waterline i clean it.i like smoking out of clean glass, dirty shit just doesnt do it for me. If yall dont use it already, 420 cleaner, works wonders. some people say its just salt and alcohol but i dunno theres some other shit in ther that cleans out your glass in literally 30 seconds. and leaves it with a nice fresh scent.


Well-Known Member
I clean my bong about once a week. once i see resin start to build at the waterline i clean it.i like smoking out of clean glass, dirty shit just doesnt do it for me. If yall dont use it already, 420 cleaner, works wonders. some people say its just salt and alcohol but i dunno theres some other shit in ther that cleans out your glass in literally 30 seconds. and leaves it with a nice fresh scent.

People used to give me shit for buying 420 cleaner and saying the same thing. I just cleaned my bong with kosher salt and isopropyl alcohol last night, deciding against a bottle of 420 that I had. It works, and is cheaper, but I feel that 420 works a little bit better, and is easier. If they could just do something about that terrible lingering smell...


Well-Known Member
There is one other part to the 420 solution. Im still trying to figure out what it is....But I agree....Its just a bit better than alcohol/salt solution.

But for price....I'll do the salt/alcohol combo. I clean my galss too often to pay for cleaning solution. I'd go broke.


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
I use fresh water in my bong everyday. I can't stand the smell of stale bong water and it makes the bud taste harsher (is that a word?). I use just plain old water, not hot, just warm as will crack my glass. If the slides and bowls get really caked, I will soak them in goo-gone and scrub them clean again. If you keep them clean, it is less work in the end. :peace:


Smoky McPot
I hate dirty glass but I hate cleaning dirty glass. 420 is good but pretty much everything ive tried takes a long time. For my bong, I bought this magnet mechanism from a headshop that consists of two magnets. One goes indide the bong, the other outside and u slide the outside magnet all over the bong while the inside one follows and scrapes all of the resin off the glass as it goes. Its pretty damn sweet. But cleaning small pipes is a bitch. So i usually just suck it up and rip. that is another reason y vaporizers are the shit.


Active Member
I got a small (prolly holds 1/3 cup of water) glass-on-glass and I change the water about 1/week. I use new water about two to three times a week. It's a clear bong and bowl, so when the resin builds up, it looks so nasty. It just looks soooooo nice when it's fully clear, but the bowl is hard to clean, even with q-tips.
Instead of 420, I've used "Bling" I bought from a flee market. It smells sweeter - like sugar instead of salt. I think it cleans a lot better than 420. The Bling works great for small pipes too. You just put some in and plug the carb., mouth, and bowl, shake for like 10 seconds, then repeat if necessary. It's an arduous process, but rewarding if you own a cool looking piece.

clean pieces > nasty gunked up pieces (although, I hate sucking green bud through when there's no resin to clog the hole a bit.)


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
If a glass bong or bowl is cleaning often, you shouldn't have any problems. A good rinse when you are done is all you need to keep her clean. A good product to get that resin off is Goo-Gone. A citrus oil based natural product that gets anything off. :peace:bongsmilie:mrgreen:


Active Member
I hate when I have to unclog my homemade "lamp-bolt" water-pipe by pushing the goo out with a drill-bit. You or the "safest-suicide-smoker" can hear the air whistle as the crust build'z up around the bottem tube below the "bowl" of "tobbacco", Occifer. HicUp, burp. EVERY week or so, I need to clean out the built up resin and carbonized crust. I like water filtering my smoke using an empty 16oz. pickle jar or ANY glass jar with METAL screw cap. Lamp-bolt'z are just short hollow threaded rod'z at the hardware-store and surgical tubing iz a GREAT INTAKE STRAW if you can find a "hospital" store. I have SOOO many "black" "un-cleanable" bottle'z ................ oh, and I read that masterbation help'z PREVENT CANCER .......... I like fighting cancer ........ my Hitachi Magic Wand Shop is the answer to spitting out all those unwanted chemical'z from the processed food of today. When in doubt, get blown out AND fight cancer ...... but, 1938 Popular Mechanic's at Welcome to Jack Herer's Home on the Web iz our Hemp 4 Fuel - Clean Energy Solutions in this Peak Oil: Life After the Oil Crash , but hey ..... if you don't die or lose an organ - according to 'da USA new "law'z", Kingetta Georgettta Shrubetta say'z that technically legally you felt NO pain .......... so wait till JudgeMental Day after DEATH, Mr. Kingette Georgetta Shrubetta ALCOHOLIC COCAAINE-HEAD Wanna-Be ........... why did your WIFE run a stop-sign and KILL a SOUL and not get in trouble ???


Well-Known Member
I got the one in the pic on sale for $110. I think it was $175 originally.

And hell yeah...Worth every cent.

When me my fiance' get into it...Its always settled over a bowl on that bong....The PeaceMaker.


Active Member
I've tried Bling and 420, but I found this all-natural stuff called Citrus-solve that works really well, is cheaper and smells just like oranges. Lately I've just been using rubbing alcohol and dry rice and it works great if you dont want to buy expensive cleaners. I change my water about once a day and clean with alcohol every 4 days or so. I only clean the bowl and the female when they're really gross, but I have been trying to keep the bowl clean cuz if you keep up on it it never gets really disgusting! :blsmoke:

Micheal Kelso

Well-Known Member
I hate dirty glass but I hate cleaning dirty glass. 420 is good but pretty much everything ive tried takes a long time. For my bong, I bought this magnet mechanism from a headshop that consists of two magnets. One goes indide the bong, the other outside and u slide the outside magnet all over the bong while the inside one follows and scrapes all of the resin off the glass as it goes. Its pretty damn sweet. But cleaning small pipes is a bitch. So i usually just suck it up and rip. that is another reason y vaporizers are the shit.
Ya man the Bong Buddy, I use one along with daily water rinses like Chiceh :)

These things really help in keeping the bong clean so when it finally gets bad enough for the 420 cleaner it just comes right off. I smoke quite a bit, always have - I probably only use the cleaner every week or 2.

Check it out.

The Original Buddy ® Vase Cleaner Extraordinaire

I got mine in Amsterdam and haven't seen them in the states yet. I clicked on that contact us link and sent them an email asking if they have US distributorship yet, and if not would they be interested... these things could turn into a side job for me if I am lucky :mrgreen: