Glass House Ghost Town


Well-Known Member
So, they made me make my thread in here?

There's rules, folks...Don't violate them, or we'll have to delete your post...

1.) You may buy, sell, trade glass on RIU.
2.) You may sell individual items, and the actual items for sale. Please include a card with your name on it and the date if you havent sold glass here before, to confirm that you have the item and its a legitimate sale.

3.) All glass must be spotless. It can be previously admired, but not dirty.

4.) Buy sell and trade at your own risk. Private deals can not be moderated. Public deals may be. RIU maintains zero responsibility for anything.

5.) All items paid for or traded must be shipped within 3 business days with a valid tracking number sent to purchaser. Insurance is up to the buyer and seller to offer or include.

6.) You may not advertise your websites or spam us that you have glass available. (Please send a private message to "rollitup" to become a sponsor!)

7.) Custom orders are allowed for members that are glassblowers

8.) You are responsible to ensure that you comply with the law. Dont buy, sell, or trade if its illegal where you are or if you are under the legal age to purchase the item.

Since i'm gifting, and not selling, I will not be taking pics of what I'm sending(they're presents, dummy!), and I may or may not be providing tracking numbers...Probably will through PM.

@dr.gonzo1 , @racerboy71 , @sunni , @curious2garden , @cannabineer , @tytheguy111 , @Dyna Ryda , @lahadaextranjera

Listen up folks...the name of the game here is to Invite People using the stupid little @ feature...Lets not let this one get locked down! Don't be silly and start talking about sending illegal things...

As a matter of fact, don't tell us what you're sending at all...We'll assume it's glass, since this is the glass section. And once again, If you're in an area where sending or receiving glass pipes is illegal, were very sorry, you may not participate.

Oh, and...

Merry Christmas!!!


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
you guys know you're getting dick pics from me, right?

8x10 framed pinworm cock for all!
Hmmmm...... I expect you to write your name in the snow with that pinworm of yours :) so we know there are no strings attached to this offer!

Shit, too bad we can't do a white elephant party. Some day.....
January :)

@Singlemalt @sunni @racerboy71 @Metasynth @Indagrow @see4 @vostok @Mad Hamish so many good people. Someone needs to match us up and then give us the address info. That way recipients don't know who and we don't all buy Lahada and Sunni gifts!