Glass or no glass on the reflector.


Well-Known Member
My first post, so i could use some advice. I am flowering with a 600 watt hps. The reflector is air cooled with glass on the bottom. I have heard the glass absorbs or deflects the uvb light that helps increase thc production. With the glass on i can keep the light lower to the canopy. So which would be bettter raise the light and take the glass off or keep it close to the plants with glass on?


Good to have one. It also keeps moisture away from the surface of your bulb, and because it is air cooled it will be easier to cool with the lens on. If you ever planned to do CO2 enrichment you would want the lens on for sure so you could cool the light without ventilating the room.
It's better with the glass hood if you can put the light closer to the plants. Make sure the glass is always perfectly clean to reduce the loss of light.


Well-Known Member
I think I will keep the glass on. I am two weeks into flowering and things are looking good. I think i would also run into temperature issues if i removed the glass.